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发布时间:2019-06-07 09:34
[Abstract]:The selection and arrangement of wind farm units is an important work in the construction of wind farms, which is directly related to the benefit of the project. Because of the complex topographic conditions, the wind is obviously affected by the terrain, and the wind speed and wind direction at each fan position in the wind farm. There are great differences in wind shear and turbulence intensity. According to the average wind speed and the maximum wind speed once in 50 years, there may be multiple safety grades in the wind farm. In this case, if a single wind turbine model is adopted, Its economy will be greatly affected. Based on the study of wind resources, wind characteristics and the characteristics of mountain wind resources, the effects of wind speed, wind shear and maximum wind speed once in 50 years on the selection and arrangement of wind turbines are discussed in this paper. This paper introduces the theoretical basis and solving method of CFD software, and through reasonable selection of representative locations for wind measurement, this paper truly and objectively grasps the wind resources status and changing trend of wind farms. In the research process, the software WindSim based on CFD (Computational fluid Dynamics) is used to simulate the wind energy resources in order to facilitate the selection of models and micro location. Through the analysis of the wind resources grid in the wind farm area, combined with the safety level of wind turbines, The type selection and arrangement of wind turbine are carried out by hybrid installation method, which significantly improves the power generation of wind farm.


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