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发布时间:2019-06-09 15:02
【摘要】:近年来,随着我国火力发电装机总量的不断增加,火电厂氮氧化物的排放量也日益增长,未经处理的氮氧化物直接排入大气中对我国环境造成了严重的危害,控制燃煤电厂的氮氧化物排放已经是一个迫在眉睫的问题。选择性催化还原(SCR)烟气脱硝技术由于其技术成熟、脱硝率高、几乎无二次污染等优点,成为国内外应用最为广泛的烟气脱硝技术之一。 本文针对漳山电厂600MW火电机组脱硝系统,通过对SCR烟气脱硝工作原理及工艺流程的分析,结合电厂实际情况,设计了基于DCS的脱硝控制系统。其次,SCR脱硝系统现场调试,简要介绍脱硝系统168h试运情况。最后,针对SCR脱硝系统在试运中存在的问题进行分析,并找到解决方案。论文的主要工作如下: (1)在分析SCR烟气脱硝工作原理和工艺流程的基础上,设计了基于DCS的脱硝控制系统,包括数据采集与处理系统(DAS)、模拟量控制系统(MCS)、顺序控制系统(SCS)和主要的联锁保护,并针对系统在现场应用中的复杂而恶劣的应用环境,对控制系统进行可靠性设计。 (2)分别从单体、分系统、整套系统对SCR脱硝系统进行现场调试,进行了系统性能测试、氨分布测试及摩尔比偏差测试,简要介绍脱硝系统168h试运情况。 (3)SCR脱硝系统在试运过程中存在一些问题,包括出口氮氧化物控制出现积分饱和现象、催化剂运行温度监测、脱硝效率及氨逃逸率控制等,通过对问题的深入分析,找到了相应的解决方案。 漳山电厂600MW火电机组SCR脱硝系统在现场调试和实际应用期间,经历了各种负荷及运行工况的考验,主要系统均能连续、稳定的正常投入运行,通过DCS控制系统,,运行人员能方便的控制各项参数,确保了系统的稳定运行,也充分验证了控制系统的可靠性和稳定性。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous increase of the total installed amount of thermal power generation in China, the emission of nitrogen oxides from thermal power plants is also increasing day by day. The direct discharge of untreated nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere has caused serious harm to the environment of our country. It is an urgent problem to control nitrogen oxide emissions from coal-fired power plants. Selective catalytic reduction of (SCR) flue gas denitrification technology has become one of the most widely used flue gas denitrification technologies at home and abroad because of its mature technology, high denitrification rate and almost no secondary pollution. In this paper, aiming at the denitrification system of 600MW thermal power unit in Zhangshan Power Plant, the denitrification control system based on DCS is designed by analyzing the working principle and technological process of SCR flue gas denitrification and combining with the actual situation of the power plant. Secondly, the field debugging of SCR denitrification system is carried out, and the 168 h trial operation of denitrification system is briefly introduced. Finally, the problems existing in the trial operation of SCR denitrification system are analyzed and the solutions are found. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) on the basis of analyzing the working principle and technological process of SCR flue gas denitrification, a denitrification control system based on DCS is designed, including data acquisition and processing system (DAS),. The analog control system (MCS), sequential control system (SCS) and the main interlocking protection, and aiming at the complex and bad application environment of the system in the field application, the reliability design of the control system is carried out. (2) the SCR denitrification system was debugged from monomer, subsystem and whole system, the system performance test, ammonia distribution test and molar ratio deviation test were carried out, and the 168 h trial operation of denitrification system was briefly introduced. (3) there are some problems in SCR denitrification system during trial operation, including integral saturation phenomenon in export nitrogen oxide control, monitoring of catalyst operating temperature, denitrification efficiency and ammonia escape rate control, etc. The corresponding solution has been found. During the field debugging and practical application of SCR denitrification system of 600MW thermal power unit in Zhangshan Power Plant, it has experienced the test of various loads and operating conditions, and the main systems can be put into operation continuously and stably. Through the DCS control system, The operator can easily control the parameters, ensure the stable operation of the system, and fully verify the reliability and stability of the control system.


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