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发布时间:2019-06-11 09:38
[Abstract]:In order to improve the diagnosis speed and accuracy of power transformer fault diagnosis, a step-by-step fault diagnosis algorithm based on transformer oil and gas parameters is proposed. In the first step of the algorithm, the quantum behavior support vector machine (SVM) fault diagnosis algorithm is adopted, that is, SVM is used to classify the faults of large power transformers. In the process of classification, an improved genetic algorithm with quantum behavior is used to optimize the parameters of SVM. On the basis of the first step, the samples existing in suspicious areas are classified by K-nearest neighbor clustering analysis algorithm in the second step. The simulation results show that the improved quantum genetic algorithm only needs 50 generations to reproduce to get the best classification model, while the ordinary genetic algorithm needs 170 generations to get the optimal classification model. At the same time, the organic combination of cluster analysis and support vector machine improves the classification accuracy from 97.5% to 100%. It can be seen that the proposed fault step-by-step diagnosis algorithm can effectively improve the diagnosis speed and accuracy of fault diagnosis, and can be widely used in power transformer fault diagnosis.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学通信工程学院;重庆工商大学会计学院;
【基金】:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2012CB21520) 第四届国家大学生创新性实验项目(101061118)~~


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