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发布时间:2019-06-15 19:37
[Abstract]:Energy saving and high efficiency are the main development directions of modern AC speed regulation technology. The energy saving and high performance drive of motor are of great significance for saving energy and improving product quality and productivity. The doubly-fed speed regulation technology of wound asynchronous motor is to control the slip power of the motor to realize the speed regulation of the motor. Its advantage lies in the use of small capacity frequency converter to control the high power motor, save the cost of the speed regulation system, realize the high performance speed regulation, and at the same time adjust the power factor of the motor and improve the quality of electric energy. Therefore, the in-depth study of induction motor doubly-fed speed regulation technology is of far-reaching significance. In this paper, the structure and principle of doubly-fed speed regulation system of wound asynchronous motor are introduced. The AC-DC-AC double PWM converter is selected as the main circuit structure of doubly-fed speed regulation system. The mathematical model of wound asynchronous motor under doubly-fed speed regulation system is analyzed and simplified, and the equivalent circuit is established. Then, the topology and space voltage vector modulation technology of motor side converter (SVPWM), are introduced. The control system of rotor side converter is designed by using space voltage vector modulation technology based on rotor magnetic field orientation. The decoupling control of motor torque and reactive power is realized, and the motor runs under synchronous, subsynchronous and supersynchronous speed, and flexibly adjusts among the three working states. And the power factor of the motor can be adjusted. Thirdly, the topology and control principle of the network-side PWM rectifier are introduced, and its mathematical model based on switching function is established. The control system of the grid-side rectifier is designed by using the voltage vector oriented double closed-loop current decoupling control strategy of the power grid, and the bidirectional flow of slip energy and the unit power operation of the rectifier are realized. Finally, the simulation models of network-side PWM converter closed-loop control system, motor-side closed-loop control system and doubly-fed control system are established under Matlab/Simulink simulation environment. The simulation results verify that the control system has good dynamic response characteristics and steady-state accuracy, and proves the correctness and rationality of the control system design. In addition, the hardware control circuit of doubly-fed speed control system based on TMS320F28335 of TI company is designed, which provides a reference for the further establishment of the experimental platform of doubly-fed speed regulation system.


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6 陈q谔,




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