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发布时间:2019-06-18 19:28
[Abstract]:The safety and reliability of transmission line operation of high voltage power cable is affected by many factors, and the aging of electrical branches of silicone rubber accessories is one of the influencing factors. This is because the attachment structure of the cable is very complex, there are many interfaces, the stress concentration phenomenon is easy to occur in the process of heating or extrusion, and the prefabricated cable accessories are easy to cause defects in the process of production and transportation, these factors will promote the growth of electrical branches to a certain extent. Under the condition of switching operation, converter and lightning strike, HVDC transmission line is easy to form pulse impact and deteriorate the working environment of cable accessories. In addition, in the transmission process of DC cable, the strong current leads to the existence of magnetic field around the conductor, which will affect the deterioration of the electrical branches of the insulation material. In the severe cold region, the working environment of the cable will deteriorate further, and the shape of silicone rubber will also be changed. The electrode structure will affect the growth and breakdown process of the electric branch. In this paper, the needle-plate electrode structure is used. In this paper, the growth characteristics of electric branches under different experimental conditions, such as pulse voltage, magnetic field environment and low temperature environment, will be studied, and the aging law will be discussed. The main research contents and conclusions are as follows: 1. Under pulse voltage, the typical electric branch structure in silicone rubber can be divided into three types: dendritic, jungle and branch-rattan branch mixed type. In this paper, the characteristics of electrical branch initiation, growth and breakdown under different pulse amplitude, pulse frequency and pulse polarity are discussed respectively. By analyzing the types of electrical branches, growth length, initial probability and breakdown characteristics, the effect of pulse impulse voltage on the electrical aging characteristics of silicone rubber samples was obtained. 2. By applying pulse voltage and magnetic field environment, the effect of pulse impulse voltage on the electric branch structure in silicone rubber under the condition of these two interaction fields is studied. Under this specific field condition, the obtained electrical branch structure is dendritic. The effects of different pulse amplitudes and pulse polarity on the growth characteristics of electric trees in magnetic field environment were discussed, and the effects of different flux densities on the growth characteristics were further analyzed. The aging characteristics of electrical branches in silicone rubber materials were studied in low temperature and cold environment, and the effect of the environment on the physical structure of silicone rubber samples was discussed. It is found that the silicone rubber samples undergo different phase changes in the process of temperature decrease, that is, high elastic state, crystal state and glass state. In the process of crystallization of silicone rubber, there are crystallization zone and amorphous region, the crystal is pure and the molecular chain is arranged closely, and the edge of uneven crystallization is easy to form micropores and stress concentration. After entering the special phase type of glass state, the structure of the crystal shows the following characteristics, that is, the arrangement is close and the activity of molecular chain is further reduced. The harsh environment of low temperature and cold will have a serious impact on the growth characteristics of electric branches.


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