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发布时间:2019-07-01 12:44
[Abstract]:The microwave magnetic material can be used as a shielding material, a radar wave-absorbing material and a whole-in-to-many high-frequency microwave devices. The core content of the microwave magnetic resonance study is to combine the structure and performance of the material, to construct the magnetic resonance physical model, to derive the quantitative relation between the static and dynamic magnetic parameters of the material, so as to provide the theoretical guidance for the analysis and design of the microwave magnetic material. The shape and size of the material have an important influence on the microwave magnetic spectrum. When the equivalent electromagnetic parameters of the anisotropic magnetic powder composites are derived theoretically, the influence of the shape and orientation of the particles on the intrinsic permeability and the effective medium formula needs to be taken into account. However, the existing calculation method is too complicated to guide the material design. When the size of the material drops to the nanometer level, a multi-resonance absorption peak is usually present, at which time the resonance model of the conventional block will not be explained, and the spin-wave theory (switched resonance mode) fills this gap. So far, the influence of the magnetic dipole interaction between the nano-ferromagnetic particles on the microwave resonance magnetic spectrum is relatively weak. In addition, this paper first finds that the nano-scale ferromagnetic metal powder prepared by the hydrothermal synthesis technology can also excite the multi-resonance absorption peak, and it is necessary to carry out more in-depth analysis in combination with the existing theory. The damping factor is an important dimensionless factor that affects the properties of the microwave resonant magnetic spectrum. With the in-depth study of the spin electronics, which is closely related to the magnetic resonance of the magnetic thin film, the film is required to have a sufficiently small damping factor at the same time as the nano-thickness. The iron garnet (YIG) ferrite is one of the materials currently known to have the least damping coefficient in all the magnetic materials, and if the nano-YIG film with the low damping coefficient is successfully prepared by magnetron sputtering, It is of great practical significance to realize the commercial application of the spin electronic device based on the YIG film. In this paper, the above-mentioned problems are set forth in this paper. The main research work is divided into four parts:1. The influence of each related parameter on the microwave magnetic spectrum of the thin film and the powder composite was studied. (1) according to the angle relation between the applied static magnetic field, the microwave field and the anisotropic field (excluding the demagnetizing field), the magnetic spectrum and the magnetic resonance expression of the thin-film magnetic material are deduced. And (2) constructing a magnetic structure physical model according to the orientation of the flaky ferromagnetic particles in the matrix. In combination with the Gilbert's equation, a more concise intrinsic magnetic spectrum expression is derived by using a two-coordinate system, and a simple channel is provided for the calculation of the microwave magnetic spectrum of the nano-ferromagnetic particles. And (3) combining the modified Maxwell-Garnett effective medium formula to carry out the simulation calculation of the complex microwave magnetic spectrum, and the mutual relation between the microwave permeability and the parametric variable is directly reflected, and the experimental verification is obtained, so that a more accurate theoretical foundation is provided for the design of the high-frequency magnetic material. Study on microwave multi-resonance characteristics of nano-scale powder and thin-film magnetic material. (1) The multi-resonant mechanism of the nano-magnetic powder and the thin film is introduced first. By means of mechanical stirring, the highly uniform mixing of the nano-scale iron (Fe) powder in the binder paraffin is realized, and it is possible to accurately analyze the properties of the microwave multi-resonant magnetic spectrum of the nanocomposite. (2) The dynamic magnetization behavior of the nano-scale Fe powder in the centimeter wave band (0.5 GHz to 18 GHz) and the millimeter wave band (26 GHz to 40 GHz) is studied by the magnetic dipole interaction analysis between the nano-particles for the first time, and the resonance mechanism of the nano-magnetic structure is further improved. (3) The experiment shows that the proper proportion of the nano-Fe is added to the micro-scale Fe, and the magnetic permeability of the lower-frequency section (0.5 GHz-2 GHz) can be improved under the enhanced magnetic dipole interaction, which provides a thought for solving the problem of the absorption bottleneck of the electromagnetic wave in the low-frequency section. Multi-resonant mechanism of micro-scale ferromagnetic metal powders containing nano-structural units. (1) The micro-scale ferromagnetic metal powder with various self-assembled structures is prepared by hydrothermal synthesis, and the multi-resonance absorption peak is excited in the microwave frequency band. In this paper, the exchange resonance mode is transferred to the nano-structure unit, and the research content of the non-uniform precession resonance mode is enriched. (2) In combination with the Gilbert equation, the magnetic spectrum expression in the multi-resonant mode of the Ni-nano-thin-band powder is derived by using the method of superposition of the multi-resonance peaks, and the theoretical value is in good agreement with the experimental results, and the rationality of the theoretical calculation method is proved. Magnetic resonance and spin-electron effect of a low-damping YIG ferrite nano-film deposited by magnetron sputtering. (1) a YIG nano-film with low damping coefficient is prepared on a Gd3Ga5O12 (GGG) substrate by optimizing the deposition process conditions of the magnetron sputtering. Compared with the currently used pulse laser deposition (PLD) process, not only has the equivalent FMR line width, but also the uniformity of the film and the repeatability of the result are better than that of the PLD film. At the same time, a relatively high quality of YIG nano-film is deposited on the HEAN-Cu-HEAN (HCH) of the metal bottom electrode, which lays a foundation for realizing the use of the YIG thin film in a commercial low-loss microwave monolithic integrated device. (2) Under the condition of higher Ar gas flow rate (16 sccm) and high temperature deposition (750oC), the surface roughness of the YIG nano-film is increased and the double-magnetic scattering process is generated. This not only extends the FMR line width, but also has an adverse effect on the spin-electron effect depending on the interface conditions. (3) The measurement of the anti-spin Hall effect (ISHE) voltage of the YIG/ Pt structure shows that the ISHE voltage signal is obviously improved compared with the YIG/ Pt prepared by the PLD process, and the in-depth study based on the YIG spin electronics is promoted. In addition, the test shows that the damping coefficient, which is improved based on the spin-pump effect, is lower than the experimental measurement, and the existence of the neighbor magnetization effect (MPE) is confirmed from the other side.


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