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发布时间:2019-07-02 19:52
【摘要】:生活垃圾焚烧发电是通过垃圾焚烧设备通过焚烧生活垃圾产生热能进行发电的一种新型生活垃圾处理方式,目前在中国已经进入发展的鼎盛时期。但随着公众污染防范意识的不断提高,垃圾焚烧发电厂选址越来越远离市区,市政设施缺乏,取水排水困难。国家也制定了相关政策和标准,对二次污染提出更高的要求,这要求生活垃圾焚烧二次污染控制的水平也需要不断提高。若将生活垃圾焚烧产生的工艺废水处理后资源化利用,既能达到零排放,又能节约生活垃圾焚烧厂的用水量,可获得“社会、经济、环境”多重效益。 目前国内垃圾焚烧发电厂污水资源化等方面的研究仅仅停留在单一的某一类污水,,缺乏全局性和系统性。如何实现垃圾焚烧工艺废水零排放,我国对此方面的研究尚处于起步阶段。 本文在此基础上对典型垃圾焚烧发电厂给排水系统进行分析,提出存在对生产废水的利用不充分:大量优质无机清洁废水被浪费、经过生产生活废水处理系统和渗滤液处理系统处理后的废水已接近工业用水标准但未被利用,雨水没有资源化利用等问题。 本文以大理市某垃圾焚烧发电厂为研究对象,对该厂水源地来水和全厂各系统水质、用水及排水流量情况监测,对各用水系统做出评价,绘制出全厂水平衡图,分析用水状况存在的问题,提出减少污水排放量、污水回用,建立全厂水务信息管理平台等对策。在此基础上提出了两种方案,方案一提出生产生活废水中的无机废水直接回收用做绿化灌溉,有机废水及渗滤液处理后的废水经过深度系统处理达到回用水标准后,用作灰渣处理、冲洗等,并增加水务管理信息平台,监测全厂用水量及水质。方案二是在方案一的基础上增加雨水收集系统,实现初期雨水和中后期雨水自动控制,将中后期雨水直接用于绿化灌溉,并提高循环水的浓缩倍率,减少循环用水的新鲜水补给量。在对两个方案进行经济效益分析,建议采用方案二,投资额较大,但工程净效益大,经济效益比较可观,投资回收年限较短。 研究结果表明通过减少循环污水排放量,废水资源化利用,雨水回用,可以实现垃圾焚烧发电厂的废水零排放,是解决处理垃圾产生的污水二次污染,解决垃圾焚烧发电厂用水、排水困难,解决城市严重缺水问题的最有效途径,并具有一定的经济效益。
[Abstract]:Domestic waste incineration power generation is a new type of domestic waste treatment method, which generates heat energy from incineration of domestic waste through waste incineration equipment. At present, it has entered the heyday of development in China. However, with the continuous improvement of public awareness of pollution prevention, the site selection of waste incineration power plant is more and more far away from the urban area, the lack of municipal facilities, and the difficulty of water collection and drainage. The state has also formulated relevant policies and standards to put forward higher requirements for secondary pollution, which requires that the level of secondary pollution control in MSW incineration also needs to be continuously improved. If the process wastewater produced by MSW incineration is treated and utilized, it can not only achieve zero discharge, but also save the water consumption of MSW incinerator, and can obtain "social, economic and environmental" benefits. At present, the research on sewage resource utilization of waste incineration power plants in China only stays in a single kind of sewage, which lacks the whole situation and systematicness. How to realize zero discharge of waste water from incineration process is still in its infancy in our country. On this basis, this paper analyzes the water supply and drainage system of typical waste incineration power plant, and puts forward that there are some problems, such as the insufficient utilization of production wastewater: a large number of high quality inorganic clean wastewater is wasted, the wastewater treated by production domestic wastewater treatment system and leachate treatment system is close to the industrial water use standard but not utilized, Rain Water has no resource utilization and so on. In this paper, a waste incineration power plant in Dali City is taken as the research object, the water quality of the water source and the system of the whole plant is monitored, the water use and drainage flow are monitored, the water use system is evaluated, the horizontal balance diagram of the whole plant is drawn, the existing problems of water use are analyzed, and the countermeasures such as reducing sewage discharge, sewage reuse and establishing water information management platform of the whole plant are put forward. On this basis, two schemes are put forward. In the first scheme, the inorganic wastewater from production and domestic wastewater is directly recovered for greening irrigation, and the wastewater treated with organic wastewater and leachate is used as ash treatment and washing after advanced system treatment, and the water management information platform is added to monitor the water consumption and quality of the whole plant. The second scheme is to add Rain Water collection system on the basis of scheme 1, to realize the automatic control of Rain Water and Rain Water in the early stage, to directly use 3500 in the middle and late stage for greening irrigation, to increase the concentration rate of circulating water, and to reduce the amount of fresh water recharge of recycled water. In the analysis of the economic benefits of the two schemes, it is suggested that the second scheme should be adopted, the investment amount is large, but the net benefit of the project is large, the economic benefit is considerable, and the investment recovery period is short. The results show that the zero discharge of waste water from MSW incineration power plant can be realized by reducing the discharge of circulating sewage, the utilization of wastewater resources and the reuse of Rain Water. It is the most effective way to solve the secondary pollution of sewage caused by garbage incineration, solve the water use of MSW incineration power plant, solve the difficulty of drainage, and solve the problem of serious water shortage in cities, and has certain economic benefits.


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