本文关键词:红外点目标定量检测关键技术研究 出处:《中国科学院大学(中国科学院上海技术物理研究所)》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 点目标 定量检测 波段选择 采样体制 马尔可夫随机场(MRF) 亚像元
[Abstract]:Point target detection has been an active research topic in the field of military and civilian satellite remote sensing, which point target detection capability of spaceborne infrared system in China's aerospace industry plays an important role. Because of the particularity of point target detection, by optimizing the parameters and data processing algorithms to improve the detection ability of instrument characteristics still exist a lot of space, especially in the detection of the current talk about quantitative target is also low. In view of the weak link, the effect of imaging simulation model and method is analyzed in detail and the band sampling system on the detection performance of point target, put forward the single frame detection algorithm and a priori information under the condition of the lack of sub pixel characteristic inversion algorithm, to break the routine detection of chains, discusses the method of lifting point target detection quantitative degree from different angles, the exploration of the Study on the quantitative detection of the subpixel target, analysis of related research results can be developed for spaceborne target detection system and its data to provide a reference solution design. The main research results and innovations are: (1) in spaceborne target detection system for band selection analysis, the target infrared radiation the characteristics of the cloud and cloudless conditions - gas background was calculated with analysis and simulation, the design method to select the optimal SNR band based on the early detection of the target, the remote entrance pupil, the optimal conditions of different clutter detection band. (2) in spaceborne sampling system target detection system analysis, establish the sampling model of subpixel target, making up for the deficiency of the existing research methods in numerical simulation; multi analysis, verify the performance advantage over two times the instantaneous field sampling And put forward the disadvantages, over sampling of the target signal and the target SNR is actually inhibited, is not suitable for low SNR conditions of target detection; proposed over sampling error in quantitative acquisition "target radiation intensity". (3) proposed effective pixels detection in single point target frame detection algorithm; presents a complex background separability measure based on signal-to-noise ratio criterion for target detection, this method has the properties of the structured background step characteristic of better; construct a Markov random field (MRF) on the European Space label field response probability model, and improve the response the ability to target the probability of neighborhood change marker through higher order energy function. The improved method of target space dimension radiation detection capability. (4) the target characteristics inversion, will enhance the target detection problem from the "qualitative" To "quantitative" level, under certain assumptions, the sub-pixel characteristics of an inversion under the condition of the lack of prior knowledge of point target imaging algorithm, and through the forward link model proved that the algorithm can accurately estimate the temperature and area proportion of sub pixel target.
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