本文关键词: 太赫兹成像 太赫兹成像算法 太赫兹脉冲时域光谱 太赫兹应用 出处:《电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Terahertz technology is a new direction for the future research and application development. THz electromagnetic wave in visible light wave and microwave the space itself has a huge space for development, which makes the Terahertz Science and technology has attracted much attention of many aspects at home and abroad. The development of femtosecond laser makes the photoconductive antenna become stable, reliable terahertz radiation source, which a good foundation for THz imaging. Terahertz pulsed imaging technology is a field of application can be a potential development of Terahertz Science and technology, many countries will terahertz imaging technology as an important strategic direction of development, affecting the future of the whole world have to be underestimated. The THz pulse time-domain spectral imaging algorithm and Application Center. Firstly, through the research on terahertz time domain and frequency domain imaging imaging technology development Development status and development direction. The working principle of scanning imaging system using the terahertz time-domain spectroscopy system and experiments. The best fit conditions on the implementation and use of terahertz pulse imaging modes of each mode was studied. Secondly, the research of terahertz pulse imaging data processing algorithm. Derivation of terahertz pulse time domain data processing theory the double filter, Gauss mentioned and deconvolution technique algorithm. Try to achieve terahertz phase imaging and THz imaging, and related experiments on the two imaging mode is verified. Thirdly, using terahertz pulse analysis algorithm experiment sample imaging data analysis of imaging data processing. Finally, the design of terahertz pulse imaging data copyright analysis platform, data processing platform and the specific work is verified by experiments. Are as follows: (1) discuss the various imaging modalities of terahertz pulse imaging system. Choose different imaging modes for different samples, the same samples were collected in different locations of information can also be analyzed to choose different imaging mode to better. This part is called the terahertz pulse imaging data analysis (lay the foundation. 2) time domain imaging data processing theory derived terahertz pulse, double Gauss filter and deconvolution algorithm theory. Description and introduction to new imaging methods, this paper attempts to phase imaging and 3D imaging, imaging method and verified by experiments. The corresponding proposed sample image reconstruction more accurate by phase imaging. The 3D reconstruction by 3D imaging mode is helpful to the analysis of the internal structure of the samples. (3) of the two samples using terahertz imaging technology, small Wheat seed and human teeth were analyzed by imaging and image reconstruction. Peak slice imaging mode THz imaging technology in the analysis of wheat seeds, to obtain two-dimensional images at different time slice position. From the reconstructed image can distinguish the thin slot structure under different seed slice position, and to determine the corresponding seed the state with the slice peak two-dimensional reconstruction image comparison middle time slice position three seeds, recognized the results. Because of the tooth body evenly, the weak scattering of terahertz radiation is more, so that the dental imaging results are not ideal. In spite of this, but by the results of the experiment can still distinguish tooth disease and the normal teeth. (4) MATLAB mathematical tools to design their own scalable data processing platform based on the analysis of data analysis platform structure Design, and add additional functionality. The imaging data file in a new design platform called terahertz time-domain spectral imaging system for data processing, to verify the availability of the platform. In a word, the research on terahertz time-domain spectral imaging algorithm and the application of the theory. By experimental verification, the feasibility of phase imaging and 3D imaging algorithm is verified. The research for terahertz imaging technique for the next step in the development of reference, has the significance.
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