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发布时间:2018-03-31 15:18

  本文选题:派工 切入点:排货 出处:《上海交通大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着半导体产业的飞速发展,半导体代工企业的竞争也日趋激烈,美国,日本,韩国的代工企业也逐渐意识到竞争的关键不仅仅局限于先进的工艺技术,稳定的良率。生产周期的重要性也日益凸显。在这样的环境下,先进的生产管理方法的重要性愈加突出,本文旨在对半导体代工企业提升其管理方法,改善生产周期的方法上做研究,特别针对复杂半导体加工设备前各种条件限定下的派工方法做了细致的讨论。在半导体派工策略上,本文主张着眼于产品堆积的瓶颈设备上,首先讨论典型的半导体代工设备的作业方法,针对如何提升设备作业效率上做了详细的探讨,对于不同的设备的限定条件。我们考虑各种产品的不同组合,作业顺序来提升设备的作业效率。研究集中在典型的半导体生产设备,包括对薄膜成长设备,高温炉管设备,光刻设备的派工规则进行了详细的讨论。首先讨论了薄膜成长设备PCO(Plasma CVD Oxide)的pilot作业时间有效期和产品作业的关系,计算出每台PCO设备pilot可以生产最多产品条件和次数。通过降低pilot次数提高PCO的生产时间,减少了产品在PCO前排队等待的时间。经过产品测试,每个产品等待时间从4.5小时降低到4.2小时,降低了7%以上。随后讨论了低温氮化膜炉管设备LPN(Low Pressure Nitrides)的组批生产的条件搭配优化模型,根据历史仿真数据建立预测来料模型,安排炉管组批生产,增加组批产品选择数量,从而提高了组批的产品数量,提升LPN每次作业产品的数量,使得填充率提升了11.6%。对光刻机的讨论主要集中在掩膜板交换次数的降低上,同样根据掩膜板给产品分组,根据组中产品的优先次序计算出整个分组的优先次序,光刻设备安排生产时依据每组次序,产品次序作业,可以减少设备交换掩膜板的时间,增加了产品的生产时间,把产品在光刻设备前的等待时间从2013年的平均18.3小时降低到13.6小时。从实时自动派工方法在降低产品生产周期方面得到的实际数据看出比单纯的静态派工模型效果要好,这也是不断鼓舞我们研究派工方法的动力。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of semiconductor industry, the competition of semiconductor contract enterprises is becoming more and more fierce. The contract enterprises in the United States, Japan and South Korea have gradually realized that the key to competition is not limited to advanced technology. In such an environment, the importance of advanced production management methods is becoming more and more prominent. The purpose of this paper is to improve the management methods for semiconductor contract enterprises. The methods of improving the production cycle are studied, especially the detailed discussion on the distribution methods of complex semiconductor processing equipment under various conditions. In the strategy of semiconductor distribution, this paper proposes to focus on the bottleneck equipment of product stacking. First of all, we discuss the operation methods of typical semiconductor manufacturing equipment, and discuss in detail how to improve the efficiency of the equipment. We consider the different combinations of various products. The research focuses on typical semiconductor production equipment, including film growth equipment, high temperature furnace tube equipment, The assignment rules of lithography equipment are discussed in detail. Firstly, the relationship between the duration of pilot operation and the product operation of PCO(Plasma CVD oxide is discussed. Calculate that each PCO device pilot can produce the most product conditions and times. By reducing the number of pilot to increase the production time of PCO, reduce the time to wait in front of the PCO. The waiting time of each product is reduced from 4.5 hours to 4.2 hours, which is reduced by more than 7%. Then, the optimization model of the conditions for batch production of LPN(Low Pressure Nitrides is discussed, and the prediction feed model is established according to the historical simulation data. Arrange the batch production of the furnace tube group, increase the selection number of the batch products, thus increase the number of the batch products and the number of LPN products per operation, So that the filling rate is increased by 11.6. the discussion of the lithography mainly focuses on the reduction of the number of mask board exchanges, and also groups the products according to the mask boards, and calculates the priorities of the whole grouping according to the priority of the products in the group. When the lithography equipment arranges the production according to each group order, the product order work, may reduce the equipment exchange mask board time, increases the product production time, The waiting time before lithography equipment was reduced to 13.6 hours from an average of 18.3 hours in 2013. This is also the incentive to continue to encourage us to study the method of sending workers.


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