[Abstract]:With the rapid development of semiconductor technology and electronic industry, chip defect detection technology plays a more and more important role in the whole industrial production process. Compared with the traditional manual detection technology, the surface chip defect detection technology based on machine vision is widely used as a flexible, real-time, non-contact, high-precision detection technology. In this paper, the defect detection technology of the surface chip based on machine vision is studied, and the defect detection of the appearance size of the chip is realized. In this paper, the image preprocessing technology of surface chip and defect detection technology of surface chip are studied in detail. The main work is as follows: (1) using histogram equalization and improved median filtering algorithm to enhance the chip image. (2) by using the traditional image edge detection algorithm, The experimental results are compared between the improved Canny edge detection algorithm and the improved image edge detection algorithm based on ant colony. Finally, the improved Canny edge detection algorithm is used to realize the edge detection of the chip. (3) based on the edge detection based on the chip pin width and spacing size detection and based on binary chip pin length and other characteristic parameters calculation. It realizes the accurate detection and recognition of the appearance defects of the surface chip. (4) the chip defect detection system is designed, and the design of the hardware and software of the system and the technical details of its implementation are given. The method is used to detect the appearance defect of the chip on the designed software platform.
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