[Abstract]:Nano-cavity is a kind of resonator of nanoscale size. Its principle is reflection diffraction or total reflection on the surface of discontinuous refractive index which restricts the light to a nanometer-size region. Nano-cavity has a wide range of promising applications in optical communication devices and lasers. In recent years, the surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) hybrid plasmon nanocrystalline lasers (SPPs) have attracted the attention of many researchers. It can break through the diffraction limit and produce and maintain light well below its diffraction limit. The strong coherent and limited light field can significantly improve the interaction between light and matter and bring new functions to the fields of biosensor data storage lithography and optical communication. However, the existing laser design usually depends on the chemical synthesis of nanowires and nanowires. These chemically synthesized materials have a series of advantages such as single crystal, but their disadvantages are also obvious. These structures are usually randomly distributed on substrates and are not suitable for docking with integrated optical circuits on a chip. At the same time, the shapes of chemically synthesized materials are usually fixed in specific shapes and do not exhibit good directional emission. In order to solve these problems, we designed a hybrid surface plasma nanocavity based on semiconductors, insulators and metals for the top-down physical fabrication process in this paper. For example, the influence of surface roughness and deformation on the properties of nano-cavity is discussed. Finally, a highly adaptable unidirectional in-plane laser is designed. The configuration and laser emission characteristics of hybrid plasma nanocavity are studied in this paper. A series of different types of nanocavity are designed and simulated, and the structure of nano-cavities and waveguides is also simulated. The variation of field distribution Q value and the characteristics of laser directed emission are studied under laser pumping. The main work of this thesis is as follows: a three-dimensional nanocavity structure is established. The field distribution and Q value of the nanocavity are simulated based on the microcavity structure of mixed semiconductor insulator and metal. Then, by changing the shape of the nanocavity, the Q value, the effective mode volume and the Purcell factor of the nanoscale cavity are studied by deforming the outer and inner boundaries of the nano-cavity. Our results show that the nanocavity has a very good ability to resist external interference and good stability. A novel structure of nanoscale cavities and waveguides is proposed, and the unidirectional emission along the waveguide is obtained. At the same time, the dependence of parameters such as Q value, effective mode volume, and Purcell factor on the parameters of the fabrication process is simulated by changing the waveguide width and the surface roughness of the nano-cavity. It shows that our design has good stability and robustness.
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