[Abstract]:Terahertz wave is usually defined as electromagnetic wave in the range of 0.1-10THz. It has great potential application value but lack of effective development in the application of science. In the process of the development of terahertz technology, the integration and intelligence of functional devices is the inevitable trend. It is a crucial step to realize the main dynamic control of the terahertz wave. Most of the methods of Hertz active control make use of the nonlinear characteristics of the material itself, which greatly limits the dynamic modulation range of the terahertz wave transmission. Based on the difference of the thermal expansion coefficient between the double layers, the three-dimensional deformation of the structure is realized. A dynamic tunable terahertz filter is designed. The specific contents are as follows: (1) By combining the traditional SRR (Split-ring resonator) with the movable cantilever, a double layer (Al and Si O2) movable cantilever array is designed. Using the difference of thermal expansion coefficient between the double layers, the bending of the cantilever is realized by changing the temperature difference. The modulation range is designed to achieve the 0.32THz dynamic tunable filter. The electromagnetic theory is used for deep analysis. The physical mechanism that causes the resonance migration. (2) the design and Simulation of a double layer SRR movable cantilever array with a new shape memory material (Shape Memory Material, SME) Ni Ti alloy is used at the same time. In theory, the feasibility of the shape memory alloy Ni Ti in the structure design of supermaterial is verified. The shape memory effect refers to the material in a particular strip. The material can be restored to the shape before deformation by applying appropriate external conditions. Compared with ordinary metal, shape memory alloy has the advantages of large shape variable, recoverability and practicability. (3) in order to verify shape memory effect of shape memory alloy Ni Ti, the article uses traditional photolithography to realize SRR The machined cantilever array samples were processed and the shape memory effect of Ni Ti was characterized by interferometer. The recoverable effect of Ni Ti was verified experimentally. (4) the terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) was used to measure the SRR movable cantilever array samples, and the changes of the terahertz transmission spectrum at different temperatures were detailed and analyzed. For the differences between experiment and simulation, the detailed cause analysis is given, and further optimization plan is put forward.
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