[Abstract]:The breakdown voltage of GaN-based power electronic devices is still far from its theoretical limit, which means that there is still much room to improve the breakdown characteristics of GaN-based power electronic devices. In this paper, the breakdown mechanism of GaN-based power electronic devices is studied extensively and deeply. In the second chapter of this paper, the problems in the process and Simulation of GaN-based HEMT and the details that need attention are discussed. The criteria for determining the five basic parameters are maximum output current IDmax, threshold voltage Vth, gate leakage Igleak, breakdown voltage VBR and characteristic on-resistance RON. Finally, three breakdown mechanisms are summarized: avalanche breakdown caused by local high electric field, thermal runaway caused by leakage current and temperature, and air breakdown between gate leakage. In the third chapter, three aspects related to the breakdown characteristics of Schottky leak HEMT are presented. Firstly, the Schottky leak structure is used to improve the forward bias and reverse bias blocking voltages of AlGaN/GaN HEMT, and the mechanism of increasing the two blocking voltages is discussed. By using Schottky leakage, the forward bias and reverse bias blocking voltages are increased from 72 V and - 5 V to 149 V and - 49 V respectively, which means that Schottky leakage can increase both breakdown voltages at the same time. The combination of Schottky leakage and leaky field plate can improve the idea of reverse bias blocking voltage. Leaky field plate can alleviate the peak value of electric field near the leaky electrode, and the reverse bias blocking voltage can be increased from - 67 V to - 653 V by using leaky field plate. The simulation results show that the combination of Schottky leakage and leaky field plate can effectively improve the reverse bias blocking ability of the device. In order to prevent the negative effect of the leaky field plate on the positive bias blocking voltage, the gap between the gate edge and the leaky field plate must be larger than a certain value, which ensures that the leaky field plate does not extrude the potential produced by the positive leakage voltage. To explain the mechanism of high K passivation layer increasing breakdown voltage in AlGaN/GaN HEMT, a metal/insulator/semiconductor structure (MIS) is formed between the side wall and the top of gate metal and GaN-based heterojunction material for HEMT with passivation layer, which is the real reason for modulating electric field in high K passivation layer. Thicker grid metal can increase the breakdown voltage of the device, thicker field plate can alleviate the peak value of electric field at the field plate, and can further improve the breakdown characteristics of the device. A high-performance AlGaN/GaN HEMT device with gate-to-drain spacing of 7 microns, breakdown voltage of 1310 V and power quality factor of 3.67 *109 V 2?-1.cm-2 is designed. This is the highest value of all GaN-based HEMTs. GaN MISHEMT devices and high voltage annular AlGaN/GaN HEMT devices. For AlGa N-channel HEMT with gate-to-drain spacing of 3 microns, the breakdown voltage increased from 144 V to 320 V. In addition, the trap states of AlGaN-channel HEMT were characterized by frequency conversion CV method for the first time in the world. It was found that the traps in AlGa N-channel HEMT were deeper than those in Ga N-channel HEMT. About 0.04 eV. The threshold voltage and breakdown voltage of InAlN/GaN HEMT are increased by combining gate dielectric with F-treatment under reasonable conditions. By F-treatment, the threshold voltage is drifted from - 7.6 V to 1.8 V. The negative charge F-ion modulated conductive band effectively reduces the gate leakage and buffer leakage. The gate-drain spacing is 3 micron and the buffer is reduced. Layer leakage increases the breakdown voltage of the device from 80 V to 183 V. The experimental results show that the threshold voltage and breakdown voltage can be increased simultaneously by combining gate dielectric with reasonable F treatment. It is an effective method to realize high voltage enhanced InAlN/GaN HEMT. The average breakdown electric field strength between the gate and drain is increased from 0.42 MV/cm to 0.96 MV/cm by using a circular structure in a regular strip HEMT. In Chapter 6, the limitation of conventional three-terminal breakdown characterization method is pointed out, and an improved method is proposed to solve the problems in its application. For conventional breakdown, seven breakdown curves are summarized, but the conventional breakdown characterization formulas are found. For the other five breakdown curves, the value of gate leakage current is larger than that of leakage current within a certain range of leakage voltage. In addition, the source current can not be used to characterize the buffer leakage, and their values and symbols are inconsistent. These problems show that the conventional characterization methods must be improved to accurately characterize the breakdown mechanism of the devices. Similar problems also occur in the off-state stress breakdown. The characterization method is also improved based on the two leakage currents. By using the improved method, the problems in the application of conventional breakdown characterization method are solved. The experiment and analysis show that the improved breakdown characterization method is very important for the study of the breakdown mechanism of GaN-based HEMT.
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