[Abstract]:In the information age, many important information of countries, units and individuals exist in the form of digital graphics, images and videos. The storage and transmission of these image and video files inevitably face the danger of being stolen and attacked. Therefore, the research on encryption and decryption of image and video files is an important research direction in the field of information security and security. Countries all over the world have invested a great deal of energy in this field of theoretical research and system, equipment development. Encryption and decryption of information is a subject with a long history. In different historical periods, different theories and methods are needed for different encrypted data objects. This paper aims at real-time video data flow, considering the cost of design and implementation, synthetically analyzes the characteristics of video stream data and its demand for design resources, and uses a low-cost FPGA development board to realize the improved Arnold-Logistic mixed encryption and decryption algorithm. The real-time encryption system of video image is designed and verified by hardware demonstration. The main work of this paper is to analyze the structure of video transmission system. On this basis, the design of video encryption system is divided into three steps: the construction of video image through platform, the design of video image data stream encryption module. Each function module of the system and the simulation verification of the final system. The whole design work is based on a Altera Cyclone II EP2C5Q208C8N FPGA development board and its development environment. Video image through platform is mainly designed and implemented by Verilog hardware description language. Firstly, the internal register of CMOS image sensor OV7670 is configured by FPGA to output the VGA video image data stream whose pixel is 640x480, and then FPGA correctly captures the sent video image data and sends it to the SDRAM chip of the external 64MB to cache. Finally, the image data is extracted from the SDRAM and sent to the VGA interface driver module to drive the external display to display the real-time video image, which is convenient to verify the effect of the straight-through platform and the subsequent image processing. The encryption module of video image data is mainly implemented by model design. In the Simulink platform of Matlab, the standard library module of the DSP Builder toolbox is called to build the correct image encryption model, and then the DSP Builder model is converted into the VHDL hardware description language file by the Signal Compiler module, and the Quartus compilation and synthesis are started, and the layout and routing are started. Finally, the model script file of image encryption algorithm is generated. Finally, the encryption algorithm module is called in the project of building a good video image through platform to complete the design of the whole system. The simulation and verification work runs through every link of the whole design. Each module and the whole system need many repeated design, simulation verification, modification of the design work, and finally can get a stable performance, function to meet the design specifications of the system. In the design, the software simulation is mainly realized by Modelsim,Quartus II and Simulink, and the hardware simulation is realized by the on-line test of DSP Builder and the configuration of FPGA. By adopting the top-down design method, the system structure and function modules are divided reasonably, and each sub-module is realized, finally the whole system is built and implemented. Finally, real-time stream encryption is implemented on a Cyclone II chip for video images captured by CMOS image sensors.
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