[Abstract]:The variation of point source transmittance and field of view angle of medium wave infrared lens is analyzed. Under the same optical structure, with the same aperture, focal length and optical mechanical structure, the stray radiation model of the medium-wave infrared lens with field angle of 20 掳~ 40 掳~ 60 掳~ 80 掳and 110 掳is established, and the point source transmittance curve of the model is analyzed. With the increase of the angle of view, the transmittance curve of infrared lens tends to be flat, and the suppression ability of stray radiation out of the field decreases. Cooling can reduce the stray radiation of lens itself and change the shape of point source transmittance curve in the case of small field of view angle. However, with the increase of view angle, the effect of cooling on point source transmittance curve decreases gradually. The increase of field of view is a significant factor affecting the intensity and distribution of stray radiation of infrared lens, but the effect of cooling on the transmittance curve of point source of infrared fish-eye lens is not obvious.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院红外成像与探测技术重点实验室;中国科学院上海技术物理研究所;
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