[Abstract]:With the IC technology entering the nanometer age, the chip is facing the threat of soft error. In addition to the quantitative threat of soft errors, processors also face the threat of varying error rates due to process variability and changes in working conditions such as voltage, temperature, location, etc. That is, the error rate of the system does not remain constant but changes over time. Checkpoint is the main fault-tolerant mechanism in the system, and its overhead is closely related to the interval between checkpoints. At present, the determination of checkpoint interval is mostly based on constant error rate. However, in the case of soft error variation, the adaptive checkpoint method can significantly reduce the checkpoint overhead than the fixed method. It can predict the error rate of the system to ensure that the checkpoint interval of the system is always close to the optimal state. However, the performance improvement achieved by adaptive checkpoint is related to the specific degree of error rate variation. Therefore, this paper studies how the change of soft error rate affects the cost of checkpoint. Based on the influence of temperature, voltage, position and other factors on soft error, a model of error rate variation including amplitude and duration is established, and the error rate model is used to analyze the influence of temperature, voltage and position on soft error. The performance improvement of adaptive checkpoint mechanism under ideal condition is simulated, and an error rate prediction method based on error history is proposed, which verifies the effect of adaptive checkpoint in practice. The experimental results show that when the range of variation is more than 3 times and the duration is more than 12.5%, the performance of this method can be improved in practice.
【作者单位】: 国防科学技术大学计算机学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(61402504,61033008,61272145,61103080) 国家“八六三”高技术研究发展计划项目子课题(2012AA012706) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金优先发展领域课题(20124307130004)资助~~
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