[Abstract]:At present, the market globalization of goods and services is developing continuously. Globalization makes the quality of goods and services more and more important to achieve customer satisfaction, and even directly affects the development prospects of the company. An important part of quality work is to reduce the quality costs associated with loss of yield. The purpose of this paper is to study why and how to reduce the yield loss in ENC's wireless base station production. The research work will be based on the wireless base station product, and the research form is the DMAIC quality improvement method based on six Sigma. In the definition phase, the yield data for the weeks of late 2015 was 84, which is below the target of 2016. The production of the 90%.SIPOC diagram gives the research a general understanding of the overall wireless base station assembly testing process. In the measurement stage, the assembly and testing process is further understood through a detailed flow chart. And through each interface relation between the test station and the wireless base station to be tested, the interpretation of the test link is strengthened. This section also provides more detailed information about test groups, test points, test items, test values, and so on. The research of test procedure also provides the method of storing and collecting all kinds of information data in test. In the analysis stage, the yield loss is decomposed into different classes, and the discrete (Outlier) class is found to contribute most to the yield loss. Further analysis shows that fault-free code allocation (NFF) is an important reason for the loss of Outlier yield. Through brainstorming and a number of columns of seminars, poor connectivity and several different test values are highlighted as an analytical focus on the underlying causes of ONFF. By using Pareto diagram and other analytical techniques, it is found that some poor test connections and a few test values are the most frequent causes of the loss of ONFF yield. Then the related connection and test value are selected to analyze the root cause of External Alarm Check yield loss. The analysis of External Alarm Check yield loss by time dimension does not lead to a useful conclusion for root cause analysis. Through discussion with the test technicians, the relative yield loss is related to the connection of the test cable. Further analysis of the causes of poor cable connection: the lack of software connection pre-check cable winding test fixture problems interface design problems and related maintenance problems. In the analysis of this test point, the retesting process and the room for improvement of the input of maintenance information are also found. Based on these findings, suggestions for improvement are given in the improvement phase to reduce the effects of various potential root causes on yield. It is also suggested that ENC company should standardize the stable test station environment, connect and pre-check at all test points, develop new interfaces, rearrange maintenance rules, standardize the re-testing process, and ensure the input of maintenance information, etc. Finally, in the control phase, the continuous implementation of the improvement recommendations is emphasized.
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