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发布时间:2018-10-20 07:44
[Abstract]:Two dimensional topological insulators, also known as spin quantum Hall insulators (QSH), were predicted in theory in 2005-2006, and 2007 were observed in experiments of HgTe and CdTe quantum wells. This development is an important milestone in the development of topological insulator theory and materials, and the whole field of topological insulators constitutes a new chapter in contemporary condensed matter physics. In the past ten years, remarkable achievements have been made in the study of topological insulators. One of the branches is the restudy of the influence of disorder on the electronic structure. It is found that disorder can have a fundamental effect on the topological properties of the system. It has been found that topological insulators can be induced by the introduction of disorder in the mediocre topological materials. In the so-called topological Anderson insulating state, the electrons in the body occur Anderson localization, but at the boundary of the system there exists the edge state which is protected by topology. In addition to the degree of disorder the transport properties of Anderson topological insulators are also affected by other parameters such as system scale Fermi energy mass parameters and so on. In this paper, we mainly study how the scale of the system affects the phase transition of metal insulation. It has been studied that the quantized conductance in a certain Anderson disorder system will disappear with the decrease of the system scale. Our work is to extend the scale effect of Anderson phase transition. In this paper, the transport properties of mercury telluride / cadmium telluride quantum wells in two dimensional topological insulators are calculated by using the recursive nonequilibrium Green's function method. By comparing the transport properties of the system at different scales and analyzing the phase diagram, it is found that the quantized conductance region is not a continuous region, but several separate regions in a small scale system, as in a large scale system. As the scale increases, the separated quantized conductance regions tend to form a single area. The limitation of scale distinguishes the energy band of the system from the topological nonmediocre insulator. Further study shows that the width of the energy gap opened at the Dirac point is larger than that of the theoretical gap at the small scale. With the increase of the scale of the system, the energy gap of the system will gradually tend to this theoretical value. This conclusion explains the phenomenon that the quantized conductance disappears with the decrease of the scale: the quantized conductance does not really disappear, but the position of the quantum conductance changes with the increase of the gap width. In this study, the author gives a reasonable explanation for the phenomena in various regions of the phase diagram, and finds some interesting changes. The small Anderson quantized conductance region increases with the increase of the scale. In addition, the influence of correlation on transport properties is discussed. It is found that the addition of correlation will positively renormalize the topological quality and reduce the stability of the system.


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