[Abstract]:Optical surface wave is a widely used electromagnetic wave, which is usually used in the fields of integrated optical path, Gus Hansen displacement enhancement, second harmonic, high sensitivity sensor, fluorescence enhancement and so on. Previous researchers have produced one-dimensional relief metal gratings to excite the surface waves of photonic crystals. However, there are two major disadvantages in this structure, that is, the large absorption of incident light by metals leads to more loss. Second, the design of relief structure is limited by single optical performance. In order to overcome these two shortcomings, we design a filled dielectric grating. Based on the strictly coupled wave theory model, the surface wave optical properties and fabrication methods of dielectric superlattice filled composite dielectric nanocrystalline grating structures are studied in this paper. The surface wave of the dielectric superlattice structure is excited by the optimized grating material and structure, and the corresponding structural parameters of the composite structure are adjusted and optimized. In order to improve the surface wave performance and the corresponding photonic crystal band gap in the transmission spectrum performance. The research work is mainly divided into structural design / software simulation and sample preparation and characterization testing. The main results are as follows: the generation and properties of non-radiative optical surface waves in dielectric superlattices (photonic crystals) are studied theoretically and experimentally. The excitation and coupling mechanism of filled dielectric nanocrystalline grating on the surface wave is discussed innovatively. According to the theoretical model and analytical method of strictly coupled wave of guided mode resonance, the purpose of this paper is to apply the radiation type optical surface wave. The composite structure of dielectric superlattice / filled dielectric nanocrystalline periodic grating with great application value is designed and optimized. Based on the anomalous transmission peaks in the band gap of dielectric superlattices and their spectral characteristics and corresponding field distributions, the influence of material and various structural parameters on the surface wave characteristics and excitation coupling in the composite structure is discussed. It is found that the materials (including superlattice and filled grating) and the number of superlattice periods, the period of dielectric grating, the grating height, the duty cycle of the grating have important effects on the spectrum of the ultra-narrow transmission peak. Through a large number of targeted material and structural parameters optimization work, a dielectric superlattice / nanometer-filled grating composite structure, which can excite and couple excellent optical surface waves with great application value, has been obtained. Through a novel and reliable experimental process, which is based on composite template nano-imprint technology and technology, combined with electron beam evaporation coating, high-density plasma reactive ion etching, lifting and other technology and experimental means. The composite structure of dielectric superlattice / nano-filled grating has been successfully designed and fabricated, and the ideal structure and related properties have been obtained through the characterization and test of the experimental samples.
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