[Abstract]:The wave front phase of the laser is distorted by the fluctuation of atmospheric refractive index due to the influence of atmospheric turbulence when the laser propagates in the atmospheric channel. Adaptive optical system can effectively compensate the wavefront distortion caused by atmospheric turbulence. It has been widely used in geological remote sensing, ground-based astronomy, space optical communication and other fields. Adaptive optics can detect and correct wavefront distortion in real time. Mode method has great advantages in analyzing and reconstructing wavefront distortion. The main purpose of this study is to improve the closed-loop control bandwidth of adaptive optical systems on the premise that the residual error of wavefront correction is less than 位 / 4. The main research content of this paper is the design and implementation of wavefront processor based on Zernike mode method. According to the main tasks of the wavefront processor, the software flow of the wavefront processor is designed, and the analysis and simulation of the wavefront reconstruction and correction algorithm based on the Zernike mode method are emphasized. Finally, the software programming of the wavefront processor is completed. The hardware circuit of wavefront processor is designed, and the circuit is debugged and verified. In this paper, the methods of theoretical analysis, simulation analysis and experimental verification are used to study the distortion wave front processing technology. The modular design is adopted in the software, and the corresponding theoretical analysis and system simulation are carried out for each sub-module. On the basis of theoretical research, the whole scheme of adaptive optics system is designed in this paper. Through the design of hardware and software module, the whole adaptive optics system is verified experimentally. Under the condition that the hardware circuit and software module work normally, the experiment platform is built, the parameters of the wavefront corrector are measured, and it is introduced into the wavefront processor to complete the closed-loop control of the adaptive optical system. The function and performance of adaptive optics system based on Zernike mode method are verified. The experimental results show that the adaptive optics system based on Zernike mode method is feasible and effective. The adaptive optical system designed in this paper meets the development requirements, and the residual error of wavefront correction is less than 位 / 4 at 30 Hz closed-loop control bandwidth under the condition of experimental verification.
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