[Abstract]:Active vibration isolation technology is one of the core technologies for suppressing the internal micro-vibration of the lithography machine because of its excellent low-frequency performance. The micro-vibration directly affects the positioning accuracy of the ultra-precision motion platform of the lithography machine and the stability of the measuring frame, and finally, the minimum line width and the accuracy of the etching of the lithography machine are finally restricted. The micro-vibration interference includes basic vibration and direct interference. The traditional micro-vibration technology based on the principle of zero stiffness can effectively isolate the basic vibration, but weaken the system's ability to suppress the direct interference. Therefore, when the influence of the basic vibration and the direct interference on the system is on the same order, the traditional method has to trade off the influence of the two, so that the internal micro-vibration of the lithography machine can not be effectively suppressed. The problem that the basic vibration isolation and direct interference suppression is difficult to balance has become the main technical bottleneck for improving the microvibration performance of the lithography machine. The purpose of this paper is to solve the problem that the basic vibration isolation and direct interference in the micro-vibration technology of the lithography machine are difficult to balance. In order to obtain the optimal configuration of the feedback quantity and the optimal value of the feedback coefficient, an active negative stiffness and micro-vibration method based on the combination of infinite stiffness and zero stiffness is proposed. In this paper, a self-sensing method for the interference force of a force-feedback active-diaphragm actuator is presented, which can be used to measure and compensate the interference force in real time to suppress direct interference. The main research contents of this paper are as follows: the optimization of the feedback quantity configuration at the same time with respect to the multi-factor interference, and a feedback quantity configuration optimization method based on the interference root mean square response is proposed. The vibration isolation performance of each direct feedback quantity and its combination under the single-degree-of-freedom active vibration isolation model is analyzed. The method uses the interference root-mean-square response value as a single index for evaluating the vibration level, The feedback quantity configuration and the influence of each interference on the vibration level are quantitatively analyzed. The optimal value of the coefficient of the feedback quantity is determined by the method, and the weight of the basic vibration and the direct interference in the effective value of the vibration of the vibration isolation device is determined. In order to solve the problem of vibration isolation and direct interference suppression, an active negative stiffness vibration isolation method based on infinite stiffness and zero stiffness is presented in this paper. The method realizes the compound control of infinite rigidity and zero rigidity through the absolute displacement feedback active negative stiffness, And the isolation of the direct interference and the basic vibration is taken into account. The results show that the method can effectively reduce the vibration level of the vibration isolation equipment. In this paper, a self-sensing method for the interference force of a force-feedback active septum microvibration actuator is presented in view of the uncertainty of the interference force during the vibration isolation of the flexible equipment. The method utilizes the bidirectional energy-changing characteristics of the self-sensing actuator to directly measure and compensate the interference force in real time. By optimizing the drive coil structure of the actuator, the uniformity of the magnetic field distribution is improved, and the linear extraction of the self-sensing voltage is realized by using the interference self-sensing circuit based on the principle of the active Kelvin bridge. The results show that the method can realize the self-sensing of the interference force. Finally, the experiment platform is set up, and the microvibration method proposed in this paper is proved. The results show that the error of the effective value of the vibration velocity and the measured value of the equipment synthesized by the root mean square response method is less than 7.7%, and the feasibility of the method is proved. The effective value of the vibration velocity of the vibration isolation device is 21.7% lower than that of the passive vibration isolation method, and the micro-vibration method is reduced by 8.4% compared with the principle of zero stiffness; the self-sensing sensitivity coefficient of the actuator to the interference force is better than 2.0 (mV 路 s)/ N, and the self-sensing of the interference force is realized.
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