[Abstract]:Laser frequency stabilization technology based on optical reference cavity is widely used in many fields, such as precision measurement, high resolution spectroscopy and atomic optical clock. At present, the frequency of laser can be locked to the resonant frequency of optical resonator with high stability by using PDH technology. When the signal-to-noise ratio of the frequency discrimination signal is very high, the characteristics of the laser frequency depend entirely on the stability of the cavity length of the optical reference cavity. The external vibration and temperature change will affect the stability of the reference cavity length. At present, the design of reference cavity structure and support position is mainly used to reduce the sensitivity of reference cavity to external vibration and to reduce the vibration of external environment. Usually, the reference cavity is also placed in the temperature control device. After taking the above measures, in most frequency stabilized laser systems, the laser frequency will still appear a certain linear drift in a short period of time, and even nonlinear frequency drift will occur when the laser frequency exceeds 100 seconds. In addition to the frequency drift caused by the aging of the reference cavity, the main reason is the variation of the cavity length caused by the small jitter of the temperature of the reference cavity, which results in the frequency change of the laser locked in the reference cavity. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the temperature sensitivity of the reference cavity while strictly controlling the temperature of the reference cavity. In this paper, the response of the reference cavity in the temperature control device to the change of the external temperature is studied. Firstly, the expressions of time constant and temperature sensitivity of the response of the reference cavity to the external temperature change are derived. The factors affecting the temperature sensitivity of the reference cavity are summarized, and a method to effectively reduce the temperature sensitivity is proposed. Combined with the finite element analysis of ANSYS, it is concluded that the larger the mass, the higher the specific heat capacity and the smaller the thermal emissivity, the larger the time constant and the lower the temperature sensitivity of the reference cavity for the thermal shielding layer of the reference cavity. In addition, the temperature sensitivity of the reference cavity can be greatly reduced by increasing the number of shielding layers. In combination with the above conclusions, a reasonable and feasible shield structure can be designed according to the experimental temperature control accuracy and the thermal expansion coefficient of the reference cavity. The variation of equivalent cavity length caused by thermal inhomogeneity is also discussed in this paper, and the frequency instability caused by thermal inhomogeneity is quantitatively analyzed. In addition, the reference cavity of composites with zero expansion temperature near room temperature was designed by finite element analysis.
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