[Abstract]:As one of the important electron sources, field emission cathode plays an important role in the development of vacuum electronic devices. In the competition with solid-state devices, vacuum electronic devices continue to develop in the direction of high power and high frequency. The application of field emission cathode makes it have great room for improvement in device size, reliability, power consumption and working frequency. In this paper, the development of high current field emission cathode technology in recent years is reviewed, especially the development of carbon nanotube field emission cathode. The experimental results show that the emission current density of this type of field emission cathode can reach the order of A/cm2 under DC test conditions, and it can realize long life and high stability emission. In the future, the field emission cathode microwave amplifier can be used. Free electron lasers and new neutron sources will have a wide range of applications.
【作者单位】: 东南大学电子科学与工程学院;南京师范大学物理科学与技术学院;
【基金】:中国工程物理研究院太赫兹科技基金资助项目(CAEPTHZ201203) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51120125001)
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