本文关键词: 碎石土滑坡 变形特征 稳定性评价 影响因素 防治措施 出处:《西南交通大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The Yalu Expressway is located in Sichuan Province and is an important part of the important national highway from Beijing to Kunming. The area through which the route passes is complicated in topography and belongs to the denudation and accumulation geomorphology of Zhongshan structure and the distribution of stratigraphic lithology is diverse. The fault structure is developed. In this geological background, a large number of geological hazards have been induced due to human engineering activities. After a continuous heavy rainfall in middle of September 2009, the roadbed and the shoulder retaining wall were obviously deformed. Although the reinforcement was carried out at that time, it was more than a year later. The deformation of the landslide is increasing, and the degree of damage is becoming more and more serious. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the engineering geological conditions of landslide body and the time and space distribution characteristics of deformation and failure. To analyze the law and mechanism of landslide deformation and failure, to analyze and evaluate the stability of landslide, and to put forward some measures to control the landslide, which is the formation of instability of gravel slope induced by rainfall. The landslide body is composed of artificial fill of Quaternary system. Medium-dense macadam soil and silty clay in plastic-soft-plastic state. The rear edge of the landslide appears on the surface of the semi-excavated and semi-filled subgrade. The settlement deformation of the rear edge highway and the deformation of the retaining wall outside the highway began on 2009. September. At this time, the highway is still in the process of construction; And the landslide in the highway deformation, after the highway completed and opened to traffic, is still worsening, especially after the rainstorm. According to the degree of landslide deformation will be divided into three areas. The deformation is most obvious in the middle and rear part of the landslide. The deformation monitoring data of the landslide body and the rainfall data of the corresponding time period can be compared and analyzed. Although the deformation of the landslide has the lag effect of some time interval compared with the continuous rainfall, there is no doubt that the deformation of the landslide is triggered by rainfall. In addition, the loose material composition of the landslide. The abundant underground water and highway construction load are the important factors to aggravate the deformation of landslide body. The stability of landslide body under heavy rain and natural condition is evaluated by limit equilibrium method and numerical simulation analysis. The results show that the landslide remains basically stable in natural condition and unstable or unstable in rainstorm. The maximum displacement of the landslide body lies in the middle and rear part of the landslide body. Based on this, the measures of both drainage and support are put forward to control the deformation of the landslide body.
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