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发布时间:2018-02-08 08:49

  本文关键词: 伊犁盆地 活性炭测氡法 小波分析 数据处理 远景预测 出处:《东华理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Radon method has been widely used to find uranium deposits, but its application effect in sandstone uranium deposits has been questioned due to the existence of mudstone strata in the upper part of the interlayer oxidation zone. In recent years, radon method has been gradually applied in the prospecting of sandstone-type uranium deposits. Some achievements have been made, but there are still some problems in the control and interpretation of the method influencing factors, which need to be further studied. On the basis of collecting and consulting the regional geological data of Yili Basin, the author, In 514 mining area (known mining area) of the southern margin of the basin, the method of radon measurement by activated carbon has been tested and studied, and a large number of radon concentration data have been obtained. The influence of radon noise measurement is discussed in detail. Wavelet analysis method is introduced into radon concentration data denoising processing for the first time. Using MATLAB software as the platform, the experimental research on one-dimensional wavelet analysis method is attempted, and the optimal wavelet base is obtained. The results show that the de-noising effect of one-dimensional wavelet analysis is better than that of other traditional denoising methods. Two dimensional wavelet analysis is introduced, and good results are obtained. In this paper, two dimensional wavelet analysis, trend surface analysis, residual anomaly method, subregion median contrast filtering method are used, respectively. Data resampling method and accumulative frequency method are used to filter and process radon concentration data measured in plane. According to the known borehole data and known uranium ore points in mining area 514, the radon concentration anomalies obtained by the above filtering methods are compared and analyzed. The results show that the radon concentration anomaly after treatment has a good correspondence with known uranium ore sites or uranium ore-forming favorable zones. Most of the known uranium ore points are located in the transition zone of radon concentration anomaly. It is concluded that the metallogenic favorable zone of sandstone-type uranium deposit corresponds to the gradient zone of transition from the mean value of radon concentration anomaly to the high value. In the southern margin of the plough basin, or other similar areas in the northern part of China, the prospecting marks for delineating uranium metallogenic scenic spots are delineated according to radon concentration anomalies. This paper relies on the project of "study on the expansion and Evaluation Technology of large uranium Mine Base Resources". In order to improve the effect of active carbon radon measurement method in uranium ore prospecting, in order to improve the effect of active carbon radon measurement method in uranium ore prospecting, in the process of interpretation of radon concentration anomaly, the principle from known to unknown is adhered to in the uranium exploration of the southern margin of Yili Basin. The experience summarized from known mining areas and the corresponding relationship between uranium mineralization favorable zones and radon concentration anomalies are applied as prospecting markers to the interpretation and inference of unknown mining areas, and good prospecting results have been obtained.


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