本文关键词: 鄂尔多斯盆地西缘中段 地质结构特征 断裂带 构造演化 控制因素 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Erdos basin in middle basin west margin of South, north two section transition zone position. In recent years, in the middle of the west margin of Ordos Basin and Yanan Erdos group wells a high-yield industrial oil, showing great exploration potential. The geological conditions of the area are complex, tectonic styles varied, have been found with the reservoir fault structure is closely related, but the nature and tectonic faults in this area, the distribution characteristics and different regional tectonic model is not clear. This paper selects the western margin of Erdos basin as the research object, the integrated use of the theory of fault related fold, geophysics, sedimentary petrology and structural geology theory, with a large number of many high density 2D seismic data with 3D seismic data, drilling data, outcrop and well logging data, the geological structure of the study area characteristic, and syntectonic tectonic characteristics with different fault zone A detailed study of evolution and its controlling factors, so as to establish different regional tectonic model Erdos west section, the main results are as follows: (1) through the outcrop, drilling data and seismic data, on the basis of unconformity development characteristics, the study area is divided into 5 structural layers, namely Neoproterozoic tectonic layer, lower Paleozoic the structural layers, the upper Paleozoic tectonic layer, Mesozoic tectonic layer and Cenozoic tectonic layers. Therefore, the study area is a multi period tectonic movement formed. (2) in the study area of tectonic sequence stratigraphy, seismic data interpretation, based on different layers of fault combination, combined with superficial geological section the study area is divided into 3 major tectonic belt: Shigouyi syncline, front belt and Tianhuan depression. Among them, the front transition zone can be divided into two zones. North south, north is divided into Jaeger Le Coulter wells thrust sheet, Hai Zi Jing thrust sheet and Majiatan thrust sheet three A secondary tectonic unit, Majiatan thrust sheet has obvious characteristics of segmentation, can be divided into three northern, central and southern three tectonic belt. With Jaeger Le Coulter wells fault in northern Majiatan area in front of the transition, mainly along the fracture, the Carboniferous Permian or Triassic Liujiagou formation imbricate structure, secondary thrust fracture and fracture recoil local area development, structural deformation front Majiatan area is complex, there are different fault slip layer difference. Southern District is divided into Shen Jia Zhuang thrust sheet, the horse Zhuang thrust sheet and more than three seats of secondary beam thrust tectonic zone, transition zone in front Shen Jia Zhuang fracture, mainly along the horse Zhuang fracture. The Carboniferous Permian or Triassic Liujiagou formation imbricate structure, secondary faults, there are obvious differences decollement fault has obvious segmentation, with the development of the delta front in the transitional belt and Tianhuan. When all seats are thrust Controlled by thrust faults, there exist obvious differences in geological structure characteristics, structural characteristics of complex and changeable, the existence of multiple conversion zone, obvious segmentation. (3) Shigouyi syncline belts Fort Huian - Shajingzi fault, the remaining 5 fault zone (Jaeger Le Coulter wells wells Haizi fault zone, fault zone, Majiatan fault zone Shen Jia Zhuang, fault zone, fault zone and the beam over the horse Zhuang fault zone) growth anticline, Triassic fracture zone, the main sedimentary Permian, middle lower Jurassic, lower Cretaceous and Quaternary, the plane is north to west, NNW and nearly north-south distribution; faults are characterized with "on the steep slowly," Huian Bao - Shajingzi fault fault distance, fault distance can reach the highest level of 12km, the maximum horizontal fault fault distance between 1500-5000m. Huian fort - Shajingzi fault early normal faults were formed in extensional environment, late stop activities; Yanshan period, the anti fracture structure Turn, thrusting the development of mid Yanshan, thrusting the most intense; Himalaya period, the fault thrust of inheritance; the rest of Yanshan fault in early thrusting, mid Yanshan, thrusting the strongest, Himalaya period, inherited the thrust of in the early research area. Therefore, extensional environment, regional development. Yanshan normal fault period, early fault tectonic inversion, strong thrust, breaking away from the larger leading edge transition zone late formation of large thrust fault, strong tectonic movement, geological structure is complex, the fault distance is relatively small (4). The study area and its adjacent area mainly developed 3 kinds of tectonic deformation: (1) the extension and restriction inversion tectonic compressional cycle fault system; (2) intracontinental orogenic belt deformation control system extended foreland deformation system; (3) after the post orogenic extensional deformation system. The reverse fault system is an early form The superimposed deformation system formed by the late tectonic inversion of the normal fault is formed. The extended foreland deformation system is a thrust nappe deformation system formed by the extrusion deformation in the Yanshan period. The post orogenic extensional deformation system is a faulted basin formed by the relative decline of the periphery since the Cenozoic era.
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