发布时间:2018-03-23 22:28
本文选题:临沧 切入点:晚中新世 出处:《兰州大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:云南省是我国目前被子植物最发育的区域之一,其植物多样性丰富,植物区系演化频繁。同时,也是各时代植物化石最为丰富的地区之一。因此,云南省成为了古植物学家开展专业研究的最有利场所。临沧市位于云南省西南边陲。该区地貌多为山间盆地,地层发育良好,出露齐全,保存着丰富的被子植物化石,是研究我国新生代被子植物的一个重要场所。本文鉴定并描述了采自云南临沧上中新统邦卖组的25块槭属(Acer)印痕,将其鉴定为4个种,其中包括1个新种和1个相似种,分别为Acer lincangense sp.nov.和Acer cf.jingdongense.槭属化石在邦卖组出现,反应了该植物群属于北温带和古热带混生气候特征。通过对槭属化石记录以及现生种的统计,不仅得到槭属的地史多样性演化表现为3个阶段和3个发展高峰:依次为始新世、中新世和全新世,而且随着时间的推移呈现一种螺旋式递增的趋势。亦可表明槭属的生长环境主要为北温带地区或亚热带山区。本文还对采集于邦卖组的357块被子植物的叶片化石做了系统的形态分类,将其分为39种形态型,做了 LMA分析,恢复出云南临沧晚中新世年均温MAT≈18.9℃。然后在39个形态型中选取30种叶相比较稳定的形态型作为CLAMP赋值的对象,继而将赋值结果运用到CLAMP在线分析和传统软件分析,得出云南临沧晚中新世的11种气候参量,如年均温MAT为18.19土 1.25℃、降雨量GSP为1441.5±217.7mm等。最后将其与现代气候参量对比,发现云南临沧晚中新世比现代较温暖湿润,气候类型仍然属于亚热带气候。符合槭属的生长环境。
[Abstract]:Yunnan Province is one of the most developed angiosperm regions in China, with abundant plant diversity and frequent floristic evolution. At the same time, it is also one of the most abundant areas of plant fossils in all ages. Yunnan Province has become the most favorable place for paleobotanists to carry out professional research. Linchang City is located in the southwest border of Yunnan Province. The landforms in this area are mostly mountain basins, with well-developed strata, complete exposure, and abundant fossil angiosperms. It is an important place to study the Cenozoic angiosperms in China. In this paper, 25 Acer (Acer) imprints collected from the Miocene Pangming formation in Lincang, Yunnan were identified and identified into 4 species, including one new species and one similar species. Acer lincangense sp.nov. and Acer cf.jingdongense. respectively. The fossils of Acer (Acer) are found in the Bangshang Group, reflecting the mixed climatic characteristics of the genus Acer, which belongs to the northern temperate zone and the paleotropics. The fossil records of Acer and the present species are analyzed. Not only did the geo-historical diversity of Acer show three stages and three peaks of development: Eocene, Miocene and Holocene, respectively. It also shows that the growth environment of Acer is mainly in the north temperate zone or the subtropical mountain area. The leaf fossils of 357 angiosperms collected from Bouncein Group are also studied in this paper. A systematic morphological classification has been done. It was divided into 39 morphological types, and was analyzed by LMA, and the average annual temperature of MAT 鈮,