本文选题:声发射 + 矩张量 ; 参考:《成都理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Rock is a typical anisotropic brittle material.With the increase of the external load, the microcracks in the rock initiate and evolve, propagate and penetrate until the macroscopic fracture surface is formed.Acoustic emission acquisition technique can monitor the initiation and development of micro-fracture in rock material in real time and deduce the deformation, fracture instability process and mechanical mechanism.At present, acoustic emission has a good application in acoustic emission parameter analysis, spectrum feature interpretation, spatial three-dimensional positioning and so on.However, in order to study the micromechanism of rock fracture, it is insufficient to obtain only the evolution process of microfracture in time and space, and it is necessary to classify the tensioning and shear slip of microfracture in terms of mechanical properties.Furthermore, the mechanism of microcrack interaction and propagation is deeply understood.It lays a foundation for the study of the formation mechanism of mine microseismic monitoring, tunnel stability and deep deformation and fracture, and also provides the basis for the prediction of rock instability and failure.Therefore, the compression test (Brazilian split, uniaxial compression test, Z-type shear test, including prefabricated fracture compression test) is designed and the synchronous acoustic emission acquisition is carried out.The focal mechanism of microcrack (rupture type, fracture geometry parameter, fracture energy, stress-strain curve and acoustic emission parameter) are analyzed by using the moment Zhang Liang program, and the characteristics of microfracture and energy evolution in different failure stages are analyzed.The process of rock fracture evolution is explained from the microscopic point of view.The following conclusions are obtained: (1) based on AR-AIC and simplex method, the program of acoustic emission location is written by ourselves, and the accuracy of the algorithm is verified by the experiment of lead break.It is concluded that when the rupture point is in the probe array, the positioning error is within 10mm, and the positioning error outside the array is about 15mm. (2) combining AE amplitude with spatial positioning, the spatial distribution map of AMP can be drawn, and the formation and concentration of the main rupture surface can be seen.Based on the theory of elastic wave mechanics and the M.ohstu moment Zhang Liang solution, we can effectively eliminate the interference of invalid acoustic emission points (low energy, low amplitude, discrete acoustic emission event point) and write the MATLAB moment Zhang Liang solution program by ourselves, based on the theory of elastic wave mechanics and the M.ohstu moment Zhang Liang solution.Experiments are designed to verify the correctness of the program.It is concluded that in the compression test of "Z" type specimen, the compression tensile fracture of JQ2 at the notch and the shear rupture of the G-2 at the middle beam are observed.The result of Zhang Liang's calculation shows that the ratio of JQ2 tensioning and shearing is 51 / 29/ G2, which is consistent with the macroscopic rupture, which proves the accuracy and applicability of the moment Zhang Liang program in the analysis of the focal mechanism.) in the Brazilian experiment, the moment Zhang Liang program analysis shows the tension crack.The average ratio of shear crack to mixed crack is about 59%.It can be seen that tensile crack plays a leading role and shear crack accelerates and accelerates in Brazilian splitting experiment.It is proved that although the stress field distribution and fracture initiation point of Brazilian splitting test are different from that of direct tensile test, the focal mechanism (tensioning dominates) is the same, so the tensile strength of the test specimen is reasonable.The ratio and evolution of shear energy and mixed energy in the process of rock fracture are close to those of tensile shear crack.When the rock is tension-type fracture, the tensile energy is higher, whereas in the shear specimen, the shear energy is higher.In the stress loading, the fracture energy is mainly concentrated at the time when the crack is dense or when the big rupture (big event) occurs, and the phenomenon of energy surge occurs in 80-100% stress stage.
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