本文选题:黄土边坡 + 降雨入渗 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Landslide is one of the main geological disasters in China. In the Northwest and North China, where loess is widely distributed, a large number of construction projects will form a large number of loess excavation slopes in the process of implementation. How to avoid the occurrence of landslides has become the focus and difficulty. In recent years, severe extreme weather disasters such as continuous heavy rainfall occur frequently, which further increases the probability of landslide occurrence. In this paper, the landslide formation mechanism of excavated slope is studied by field investigation, laboratory test and numerical simulation calculation of slope stability, taking Yanan City Zhigou Land Reclamation Project as an example. The continuous heavy rainfall in summer in the engineering area leads to the accumulation of water at the top, platform and foot of the slope. In view of this phenomenon, the influence of water infiltration caused by continuous heavy rainfall on slope stability is studied. By simulating the infiltration process of one-dimensional rainfall water in vertical direction, the variation of soil moisture content and the characteristics of wetting front migration were observed and analyzed. The influence of water content on the shear strength of slope soil was studied by indoor shear test. According to the distribution of saturated soil at different times, the specific values of soil mass, cohesive force and internal friction angle in saturated area are obtained by rainfall water infiltration test. The safety and stability of slope and the variation of potential sliding surface under the condition of continuous rainfall are calculated and analyzed by FLAC3D geotechnical engineering numerical calculation software. Finally, aiming at the stability of excavation slope under natural condition, the optimization of slope excavation mode is studied by calculating the safety factor of slope body with different slope types and slope ratio. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the results of one-dimensional water infiltration test in vertical direction show that under the condition of rainfall water infiltration, the velocity of wetting front migration in shallow soil is faster, and the migration velocity of wetting front gradually slows down with the increase of depth; When the wetting front arrives, the moisture content of the soil at different depths is steeply rising and then tends to rise slowly, and the moisture content of the soil at a certain depth remains basically unchanged after the infiltration lasts for a certain time. Saturation can reach 80. 2) three kinds of instability criteria for comparing and analyzing strength reduction method can be obtained: the calculation process of numerical calculation non-convergence criterion is efficient, simple and fast, and the calculation process of displacement catastrophe criterion of characteristic position is complicated. However, the accuracy of safety factor obtained by this criterion is high, and the calculation process of plastic zone penetrating criterion can directly reflect the development process of shear band, but the accuracy of safety factor obtained by this criterion is not high. Each of the three criteria has its own advantages, but the calculation of the safety factor combined with the three criteria can fully grasp the slope stability. 3) rainfall infiltration can significantly reduce the shear strength of soil, and with the increase of rainfall duration, The local shear deformation of the slope increases with the increase of the saturated area. When the local plastic deformation gradually extends to a certain extent, the slope experience the displacement abrupt change and the shear strain increment abrupt change to form the through shear zone, thus causes the landslide. Therefore, drainage measures should be set up in loess slope to avoid natural disasters such as landslide caused by rainfall infiltration. It is proved that adding a platform in the middle of the slope can enhance the safety factor of the slope and increase the stability of the slope. When the position of the top and foot of the slope is fixed, the slope safety coefficient increases first and then decreases with the increase of the platform width. Therefore, it is suggested that the platform should be added reasonably and the width of the platform should be controlled.
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