本文选题:潘谢矿区 + 水质 ; 参考:《合肥工业大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:水资源的紧缺、水污染的加剧、水环境的恶化是全球性的问题。近些年由于煤矿的开采已造成地下水位下降和地下水污染,而本文的研究对象淮南潘谢矿区是安徽主要煤产地,因此,对煤矿开采影响下地下水动态的研究,将有利于地下水资源的合理开发利用以及煤矿的安全生产。本文在收集、整理和分析潘谢矿区的区域地质、水文地质等条件的基础上,基于SPSS,采用常规水化学法、变量聚类分析法、箱图法和分类主成分分析法4种方法,明确了研究区的灰岩含水层的水化学特征及变化规律,并运用Suffer、 Origin等工具对研究区的灰岩地下水水流场的时空分布特征与变化规律进行分析;通过综合分析研究区的水文地质条件、降雨、开采量等源汇项,运用地下水数值模拟软件GMS及相关软件,建立了本区域的地下水数值模型,并对地下水流场进行了预测。得出主要结论如下:(1)潘谢矿区灰岩含水层水质类型以Cl-K+Na、SO4-K+Na和HCO3-K+Na三种类型为主。通过几种方法的分析,太灰、奥灰和寒灰三种灰岩水水样较难区分,推测三个灰岩含水层之间可能存在某种水力联系。(2)2007年至2014年间研究区内灰岩地下水水位总体呈下降趋势,其中2013年最低。灰岩水流动方向整体从研究区的东北方向向西南方向流动。潘谢矿区内大部分区域灰岩水位2010年前较为稳定,之后开始明显下降。而其他区域则是从2012年开始水位才有明显下降。(3)从2014年到2017年灰岩地下水水位总体呈下降趋势,3年水位最大降幅为36.6797m,最小降幅为0.0189m。当补给量与排泄量达到动态平衡时,水位不再持续下降。
[Abstract]:The shortage of water resources, the aggravation of water pollution and the deterioration of water environment are global problems. In recent years, coal mining has caused groundwater level drop and groundwater pollution. Huainan Panxie mining area is the main coal producing area in Anhui province. Therefore, the study on groundwater dynamics under the influence of coal mining, Will be conducive to the rational development and utilization of groundwater resources and the safety of coal production. On the basis of collecting, sorting out and analyzing the regional geology, hydrogeology and other conditions of Panxie mining area, based on SPSS, this paper adopts four methods: conventional hydrochemistry method, variable cluster analysis method, box diagram method and classified principal component analysis method. The hydrochemical characteristics and variation law of limestone aquifer in the study area are clarified, and the space-time distribution and variation law of groundwater flow field of limestone in the study area are analyzed by means of Suffer, Origin and other tools. Based on the comprehensive analysis of hydrogeological conditions, rainfall, extraction and other sources and sinks, the groundwater numerical model in this area is established by using the numerical simulation software GMS and related software, and the groundwater flow field is forecasted. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the water quality types of limestone aquifers in Panxie mining area are mainly Cl-K NaOSO4-K Na and HCO3-K Na. Through the analysis of several methods, it is difficult to distinguish the water samples of too grey, Ordovician ash and cold ash. It is inferred that there may be some kind of hydraulic relation between the three limestone aquifers.) the groundwater level of limestone in the study area generally shows a downward trend from 2007 to 2014. Of these, 2013 was the lowest. The flow direction of limestone water flows from northeast to southwest. The limestone water level in most areas of Panze mine was stable before 2010, and then began to decrease obviously. In other regions, the groundwater level of limestone decreased from 2014 to 2017, with the largest decline of 36.6797m in three years and the lowest drop of 0.0189m. When the recharge and excretion reach the dynamic equilibrium, the water level no longer continues to fall.
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