本文选题:地电场潮汐波 + 多测向 ; 参考:《中国地震局兰州地震研究所》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The tidal wave of the earth electric field is mainly derived from the Sq current and tidal force in the ionosphere, and it is the main component of the relative stability of the earth electric field. The geoelectric field is observed in many directions, but the phase correlation of the tidal wave is not systematically studied. Based on the observation data of minute values of more than 100 geoelectric field stations in mainland China, it is found that the tidal waves of geoelectric field show the phase correlation characteristics of the same phase or the opposite phase between multiple horizontal direction finding at the same site. Using the periodic seepage (movement) model of rock fissure water (charge) of earth electric field tidal wave, it is very important to know the dominant azimuth (伪 angle) of rock mass fissure for the phase relation of tidal wave in different geoelectric field. At the same time, a station with obvious and stable dominant orientation of rock fracture is selected to simulate the influence of various kinds of interference on the original data, the original data of interference and the data of jump caused by the replacement of the device. Using tidal harmonics to calculate the 伪 angle of the site, it is found that the 伪 calculation result is relatively little affected by these disturbances and the replacement of the device, which indicates that the 伪 angle calculation result is relatively little affected by the complex environmental conditions. The above research results enrich the understanding of geoelectric field variation characteristics and data analysis. It is of practical significance to the geoelectric field observation technology, station transformation and data anti-jamming analysis under complex environment.
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