本文选题:鲜水河活动断裂 + 地质灾害识别 ; 参考:《地质学报》2017年08期
[Abstract]:Near the fault zone is often the multiple area of the creep slope geological hazard, and the small deformation is an important symbol indicating the geological hazard of the creep slope. In this paper, the active fault zone of the fresh water river in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is taken as the study area, and the multi phase ALOS/PALSAR synthetic aperture radar data are selected for the time series interference (InSAR) observation, and the surface deformation of the millimeter level is obtained. On the basis of field investigation, remote sensing interpretation and comprehensive analysis of geological conditions, the categories, deformation characteristics and spatial development laws of the creep slope geological disasters in this region are revealed. (1) the main development of the creep landslide along the fracture, the creep debris flow and the moraine logistics of the 3 types of creep slope geological hazards; (2) the creep landslide has the "disorder" The contour profile of the contour line, the uneven main slip direction profile, the tongue shaped landform and no bedrock and slippery bed; (3) the ancient landslides in the northern segment of the fresh water river fault, the historical earthquake landslides and the fractured slopes are developed, and the fracture zones are directly intersected with the fracture zones, most of them have creep deformation, and the unintersected often have no creep deformation. The control effect of disaster development; (4) the development of two kinds of debris flows of "soil and stone forest" and "sloping loose accumulation", which are characterized by dispersed slow deformable bodies in the source area, and the number and rate of the deformable bodies within the basin range are important signs; (5) there are widespread moraine along the glacier trough over the area of the fresh water river fault zone near the 4200m elevation. Sliding deformation is one of the most important forms of surface erosion in the present study area. It is one of the most important forms of surface erosion in the present study area. The results of the study also show that InSAR technology can effectively identify the geological hazards of creep slope with geological conditions. It is suitable for many geological disasters in mountain areas, and the inconvenient working environment is an investigation technique for geological disasters. The important direction of future development.
【作者单位】: 国土资源部新构造运动与地质灾害重点实验室中国地质科学院地质力学研究所;
【基金】:中国地质调查局工作项目(编号:DD20179282、DD20160272) 院所长基金项目(编号:DZLXJK201611) 自然科学基金项目(编号:41672359)资助的成果
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