本文选题:典型草原区 + 地下水位 ; 参考:《节水灌溉》2016年12期
[Abstract]:In recent years, the Xilin River basin has begun to enter the period of excessive precipitation, but the situation of groundwater "beyond its income" is becoming more and more obvious. The excessive demand for groundwater exploitation can only be realized by consuming the amount of groundwater savings. Based on the principle of water balance and statistical method, the response of groundwater level to precipitation and exploitation in Xilin River Plain is analyzed. The results show that the response of each observation well to precipitation time series is quite different. Among them, the variation amplitude of groundwater level of forage base well and farm Sandun well is more sensitive to precipitation, and there is an obvious positive correlation between water level buried depth and extraction amount. According to the change trend of the relation curve between water level and extraction quantity, with the increase of groundwater exploitation, the water level response of the third farm, forage base and dairy farm is the most obvious. The groundwater level in crop greenhouse planting area is mainly affected by precipitation and extraction, and the response degree is 51.16, while the forage base is most affected by exploitation, reaching 60.71, reducing the scale of irrigated forage land. It is the main way to alleviate the overexploitation of groundwater and promote the safe development of agriculture and animal husbandry to adjust the distribution of centralized continuous slice for decentralized utilization.
【作者单位】: 水利部牧区水利科学研究所;中国水利水电科学研究院水资源所;
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