[Abstract]:The transient electromagnetic method belongs to the time domain electromagnetic method. It uses electrical or magnetic sources to send a single pulse component to the underground. Under the excitation of its first pulse, the underground geological body is caused by the difference between conductivity and magnetic conductivity. The induced quadratic field will change with time. Because the pure quadratic field is measured after the primary field is turned off, and there is no single field interference, it has been developed rapidly. In the observation of the secondary field, the field source is excited many times and observed through different time windows. Different geoelectric structure information can be obtained, and because of the important differences in noise sources, there are many advantages compared with frequency domain electromagnetic method. The transient electromagnetic method has a variety of flexible working devices, including the same point loop line, large loop line, electric couple source, aviation, well, etc. It has many advantages, such as sensitive response to low resistance body, high vertical and horizontal resolution, high construction convenience and efficiency, etc. Therefore, it is widely used in the fields of energy, mineral, engineering, environment and so on. In this paper, the vertical magnetic dipole source and the horizontal electric dipole source are used as the field sources respectively. In the three-dimensional forward modeling, the electromagnetic field is decomposed into the primary field and the quadratic field from Maxwell's equations, and the primary field is calculated by the Hankel transform. Using the staggered sampling grid finite difference method to calculate the quadratic field in the frequency domain, then adding the Cole Cole model considering the induced electric effect. Finally, the obtained frequency domain results are converted to the time domain by time-frequency, and the different polarizabilities are compared. The frequency correlation coefficient and time constant are analyzed and the results of time domain response are analyzed and concluded. In this paper, Fortran programming language is used to program and Matlab language is used to visualize the results.
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