[Abstract]:In order to study the degradation rule of shear strength of sandstone under dry and wet cycle in acid-base environment, the dry and wet cycling tests of sandstone specimens were carried out in the environment where the pH value of soaking solution was 7 / 9 / 4, respectively, and the number of times was 1 / 3 / 610 times. Based on uniaxial and triaxial tests of different cycles, the relationship between the cohesive force and the angle of internal friction and the number of dry and wet cycles N is obtained. The formula of shear strength of sandstone under dry and wet cycles with different pH values is obtained. The results show that the shear strength of sandstone decreases with the increase of cycle times. In the early stage of dry and wet cycle, the shear strength is affected significantly, and the shear strength decreases greatly, and then the decrease of shear strength is relatively small. The degradation of shear strength of sandstone is the most serious, alkalinity is the second, neutral is the lightest, and the deterioration range of shear strength of dry specimen after dry and wet cycle is far less than that of wet state.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学土木工程学院;重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院;浙江瑞安安阳中心城区管委会;重庆市高新工程勘察设计院有限公司;
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