[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the national economy in China, the quality requirements for highway construction are becoming more and more high. In the highway construction, the settlement control of soft soil subgrade has become an important index for quality control. How to design the foundation treatment scheme and plan the construction schedule reasonably is an important issue for the soft soil subgrade to be solved urgently. The settlement of the soft soil subgrade is observed and the settlement in the design life is predicted by the analysis of the observation data. It is an inevitable way to solve this problem. Through the actual observation data and related ground of the K13+840~ K14+000 section of the marine soft soil subgrade through the excavation of a tunnel in the Tianjin Binhai New Area. The qualitative data is analyzed and the load settlement time relation curve is obtained. At the same time, the grey theory system model is established to predict the final settlement of the settlement observation data, and the three spline B.Spnlie interpolation function is used to carry out the equal time distance processing for the original data. And the large finite element ANSYS software is applied to the soft soil subgrade. The results of the numerical simulation and the measured data, the grey theory forecast data are compared and analyzed. Through the analysis and arrangement, we can establish the backfilling settlement model in Tianjin area, and play a guiding role in the backfilling of the pit. The main contents and conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) through the analysis of the field measured data, The rate control of embankment filling can be realized, the consolidation of the foundation is predicted and the construction period of the structure is determined. (2) the cumulative settlement curve is drawn by the measured settlement data in the field and the vertical displacement curve of the subgrade settlement observation point is compared with the time change curve with the ANSYS finite element software. The cumulative settlement curve of the base cumulative settlement curve and the actual observed data in the field have been gradually converged to a certain stable value with the increase of the accumulated settlement curve. It shows that it is feasible to simulate the settlement of the subgrade by using this model. The result of finite element simulation analysis is less than the measured data, which causes this knot. The main reason is that the influence of seepage factors is not considered during the simulation of soft soil subgrade, and the change of groundwater level and the effect on pore water pressure are not considered during the loading process. (3) by comparing the prediction values of the subgrade settlement observation and the GM (1,1) model, the GM (1,1) model settlement prediction sequence is in the subgrade In the beginning of construction, the error is relatively large. When the observed number of actual settlement observation series is more and more, the relative error has a tendency to decrease. In the process of observation, the conditions of construction, the environment conditions, the conditions of the observation personnel are affected, and the local also fluctuates. The more observed data in the actual settlement observation, the GM ( 1,1) the higher the prediction accuracy of the model. (4) the general law of settlement deformation of the subgrade of the marine soft soil is that the settlement development of the embankment is obviously accelerated during the construction of embankment, and the settling rate fluctuates slowly and the settlement curve tends to be gentle after the loading of the embankment, and the settlement rate tends to converge to a small value during the embankment preloading.
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