[Abstract]:Storage acoustic logging is the latest logging technology developed in recent years, which is used to measure the acoustic characteristics of formation and obtain porosity parameters. However, in practical application, due to the complex well condition, instrument sloshing, noise and other factors, the received waveforms of the remote array are distorted seriously, which leads to the error of the acoustic moveout calculated automatically by the conventional method. The software provided by the manufacturer needs to manually select the negative peak position of the first wave, which consumes a lot of time and manpower. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study a new method of storage acoustic logging data processing with strong adaptability, to develop a fully automatic software of acoustic logging data processing with one send and many records, and to improve the production efficiency. In this paper, we first study the algorithm of P-wave time difference extraction in a multi-receiver storage acoustic logging. Based on the structural characteristics and working principle of the storage acoustic logging tool with one source and three receiving (SL6000) and one transmit and eight receiver (GIS60), this paper analyzes the data format collected by different instruments, and according to the rule of the position of the first negative peak of the longitudinal wave in the original waveform data, The problems in the first wave detection and slowness calculation in the first wave detection and slowness calculation of one send and eight receive mode are analyzed emphatically, and a new method of first wave extraction is proposed, which combines the time-domain waveform distortion solution and the longitudinal depth domain time difference mutation solution. Then the correlation analysis method combined with the abnormal point processing method is applied to the storage acoustic logging to extract the P-wave time difference to find the best slowness corresponding to the most relevant position. Secondly, based on the data processing algorithm of stored acoustic logging P-wave time difference, the software platform of acoustic time difference data processing is developed with VC 6.0 and TeeChart control. According to the needs of the user, the first wave detection dynamic link library and the slowness dynamic link library are created to load the algorithm program into the software platform to automatically calculate the time difference, manual intervention, curve drawing and editing. Depth location, dynamic preview and other functions. The software is simple in operation and designed to calculate the time difference automatically, calculate the time difference manually, draw the graph, derive the curve, and shape the two-dimensional image. Finally, the software is applied to the practical operation through the data collected by one sending, three receiving and one sending and eight receiving instruments, and the correctness of the functions of each part of the software is verified.
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