[Abstract]:This paper is based on "deep hole verification project in deep and peripheral gold exploration areas of Xiaoqinling (Shaanxi) gold ore field", which is the key construction project of Shaanxi Land and Resources Department. The purpose of the study is mainly to expose the deep part of the second ore-forming section of the main vein in Xiaoqinling area, Shaanxi Province. The Xiaolinling mine area studied in this paper is located in Shanchieyu, Taiyao Town, Tongguan County, Shaanxi Province. In 2010, the gold deposit in Xiaoqinling Gold Mine area of Shaanxi Province was found to be 149.27 tons. With the depletion of gold deposits in shallow strata, the Xiaoqinling gold ore field in Shaanxi Province has entered the deep prospecting stage. With the deepening of drilling depth and the increasing tasks of deep drilling engineering, the formation of deep boreholes is becoming more and more complicated, the problems of leakage and collapse of broken strata, the problems of borehole deflection in diagonal strata, and so on. The drilling quality and drilling efficiency are seriously affected. Therefore, it brings new challenges to drilling technology and puts forward higher requirements. There are still many technical problems to be solved in the deep hole drilling construction, and the technology to deal with the drilling problem in complex strata also needs to be further studied and applied. On the premise of satisfying the exploration effect, how to carry out deep drilling safely and efficiently is an important problem that needs to be solved at present in Xiaoqinling mining area. In this paper, the deep hole prospecting drilling technology in Xiaoqinling mining area is taken as the research object, the geological data of the mining area is collected fully, the influence of complex strata in the mining area on the core drilling construction is analyzed, and the burning drilling and jammed drilling appearing in the deep hole core drilling in the mining area are analyzed. The common hole accidents such as serious hole leakage are analyzed, and the drilling construction technology in the mining area is studied, and the technology to solve the hole accident in complex strata and the technical scheme of drilling in the mining area are put forward. The main research results are as follows: (1) the geological characteristics, physical properties and drillability of rock in Xiaoqinling Gold Orefield, Shaanxi Province are described in detail. The influence of complex strata in mining area on drilling construction is studied. (2) aiming at the in-hole accidents in deep hole construction in mining area, the author makes a thorough analysis and obtains the corresponding treatment methods. A special fishing and grinding tool is designed and developed for the problems of deep hole drilling accident, drilling tool drop and so on, and good application results have been obtained, and for the deep hole section burying accident, hydraulic internal cutter and recoverable salvage spear are used to deal with the accident, It avoids the hidden trouble of the accident, simplifies the process, shortens the treatment period and saves the processing cost. In view of the leakage and collapse accident, the theoretical analysis and experimental study on the deep hole wall plugging cement slurry are carried out, and the quick solidified cement slurry suitable for the deep hole wall plugging treatment is developed, and the application effect is good. After plugging, the problem of leakage and collapse of broken strata is completely cured, the quality of borehole is guaranteed, and the efficiency of accident treatment is improved. (3) according to the drilling construction situation of mining area, the drilling equipment is selected. Based on the research of drilling technology and hole inclination control technology, this paper puts forward the construction technology scheme of deep hole drilling suitable for Xiaoqinling mining area. Aiming at the problem of borehole deflection in mining area, this paper puts forward the technical method to control the deviation inside hole. It has important guiding significance for the follow-up deep hole drilling construction in mining area.
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