[Abstract]:In order to discuss the difference of the results and the causes of the different methods for evaluating the monitoring ability of seismic networks, this paper selects the "probability-based integrality magnitude" (PMC) method and the "integrality magnitude range" (EMR) method, which are relatively advanced in the world at present. As well as the "magnitude-maximum distance" method commonly used by the China Seismic Network, a comparative study on the minimum integrity magnitude of the seismic monitoring capability in the north-south seismic belt from October 1, 2008 to September 17, 2015 is carried out. In this study, the consistency of seismic observation quality is considered, and the seismic data recorded by at least three stations are uniformly used. The results show that there are significant differences among the three methods, and the difference of minimum integrity magnitude can even reach ML2.0, in some areas of the north and south seismic belt. The Mp value of minimum integrity magnitude obtained by PMC method is significantly lower than that of the other two methods in the area north of 32 掳N. The Mr low value of minimum integrity magnitude obtained by the method of magnitude and maximum distance is only related to the density area of the high station, and compared with the minimum integrity magnitude McEMR obtained by the EMR method, it is McEMRMpMr. on the statistical average. Furthermore, the seismic detection ability of each seismic station is evaluated. The results show that the operation and maintenance level of the station and the integrity of the recorded seismic analysis are the main reasons for the significant difference between the Mp values and the results of other methods. Whether or not the same data quality constraints such as the number of stations recorded will result in significant differences between the EMR method and other methods. Therefore, considering the actual operation of seismic network and the calculation principle of different evaluation methods, the PMC method is recommended for the evaluation of seismic monitoring ability.
【作者单位】: 中国地震局地球物理研究所;
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