[Abstract]:Groundwater resources are the main sources of water supply in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei plain. Since the 1960s, groundwater resources and geological environment in plain areas have been significantly affected by human activities and climate change. The groundwater level dynamics is a direct response to human and natural effects. In view of the groundwater level dynamics in plain area under the action of many factors, based on hydrogeological condition analysis and observation hole water level data analysis, the different spatial scales of the long time scale of plain area (the whole area) are reappeared by using the numerical simulation method. The dynamic mechanism of groundwater level in plain area is revealed. The results show that the average groundwater level in the whole area has been decreasing continuously in the past 50 years, and the falling rate is 0.36 m / a, and a large area shallow drop funnel is formed, and the water level in the center of Shijiazhuang funnel is the fastest. The average groundwater recharge rate (154.97mm/a) from 2001 to 2010 decreased by 6.2 compared with that of 1961-1970, and the groundwater regeneration capacity was obviously weakened. The intensity of groundwater exploitation is more than that of recharge resources, which leads to the decrease of groundwater level on different spatial scales. Mining is the main factor that affects groundwater dynamics, and precipitation is the main factor restricting groundwater recharge renewal. Under the dual influence of climate change and human activities, the water supply security in the plain area will still face challenges in the future.
【作者单位】: 中国地质调查局青岛海洋地质研究所;中国地质调查局滨海湿地生物地质重点实验室;国土资源部海洋油气资源和环境地质重点实验室;北京市环境保护科学研究院;中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所;
【基金】:国家重点研究基础发展计划"973"项目(2010CB428801) 海洋基础性公益性地质调查项目(121201005000150004)资助
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