[Abstract]:Based on the National key basic Research and Development Program (973): the theory of geological hazard prevention and control and the basic research of environmental protection under the high intensity mining of coal in the west of China, the formation mechanism of geological hazard is analyzed from the geological environment conditions, In the four aspects of prediction and evaluation method and disaster prevention and control theory, the general research ideas and related research on geological hazard prevention and control under high intensity mining of coal in western China are carried out. Based on the study of Jurassic-Cretaceous tectonic geology and hydrogeology in the coal-rich region of western China, the characteristics of stratigraphic structure and hydro-sediment dynamics of coal-rich region are revealed. Based on the study of mechanical behavior of mining rock mass, the occurrence mechanism of geological disasters such as roof cutting, water bursting and sand bursting in large area is revealed, and the coal mining theory and method to prevent and cure major geological hazards and environmental damage are formed. This study organically combines geological hazard prevention and ecological environment protection, solves the key problems restricting coal mining in western China from the source, and lays a theoretical foundation for long-term large-scale safe and efficient green mining of coal resources in western China.
【作者单位】: 中国矿业大学;
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