[Abstract]:The Permian basalts in the East Tianshan area are distributed in vein form along the east-west direction of faults in the region. The 40Ar-39Ar plateau age of basalts in Turpan-Hami Basin is 298.2 卤3.8 Ma, which is the early Permian epoch, which is consistent with the results of previous basalt ages in the error range. It may be closely related to the Magnesium-ultramafic rocks of the Permian magmatic copper-nickel deposits in the East Tianshan area. The main trace compositions of Tuha basalt indicate that it is island arc tholeiite, continental arc basalt, LREE enrichment and Nb,Ta negative anomaly, indicating that the source area may have undergone subduction transformation. Fresh olivine and feldspar porphyry are found in Permian basalts in Turpan-Hami Basin, and melt inclusions are developed in olivine porphyry. The melt inclusions are vitreous, gaseous and vitreous, gas-phase and solid-phase. The opaque minerals in the inclusions are mainly magnetite, which indicates that the oxygen fugacity and Fe content of the magma are higher when the inclusions are trapped. Melt inclusions can be divided into two types: high MgO and low MgO content. The inclusion with high MgO content has the characteristics of low SiO_2, and low trace and rare earth elements, which may be the product of high partial melting of the mantle, and has experienced a weak degree of deep evolution. The trace elements of the high MgO melt show the characteristics of Nb,Ta depletion and the distribution pattern of trace and rare earth elements with the characteristics of N-MORB, which indicates that the melt is formed by subducted metasomatic mantle melting. The melt inclusions have lower Th and Ta contents than basalts, and relatively weak negative anomalies of Nb and Ta, indicating that the composition of melt inclusions is less reformed than basalt. The implication may be relatively primitive melts that have undergone less later-stage modification. The Cu content (12.4 脳 10 ~ (-6) ~ 299 脳 10 ~ (-6) in the melt is in the range of normal Black Tortoise magma content, while the Ni content (236 脳 10 ~ (-6) ~ 697 脳 10 ~ (-6) is higher than that of high-mafic overflow Komatite and mid-oceanic ridge basalt. The slightly decoupled melt with Cu,Ni content may represent the magma trapped after a small amount of deep sulfide melting and removal of a small part of the Cu and Ni ore-forming elements. If the melt is regarded as the parent magma of the Permian magma copper-nickel sulfide deposit, the relatively high Ni content in the parent magma may be the main factor that the Ni/Cu ratio of the ore in the magmatic copper-nickel sulfide deposit is more than 1.0.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院矿产资源研究重点实验室中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所;中国科学院大学;地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室中国地质大学;岩石圈演化国家重点实验室中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所;
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