[Abstract]:The complex fault depression basin is a typical feature of the gold belt oilfield, and the strike slip affects the oil field, which results in the fault complex, small amplitude, small area fault block and fault nose as the main local structure in this area. The oil and gas accumulation is controlled by the structure. Therefore, it is of great significance to determine fault characteristics and analyze their relationship with oil-water distribution. The gold belt oil field is located in the southern depression of the eastern depression of Liaohe basin. From west to east, it can be divided into the west Xinkai slope zone, the central gold belt fault anticline belt and the eastern Jiazhansi slope belt with the Erjiegou fault and the Jiazhansi fault as the boundary. The strata of Shahejie formation and Dongying formation are rich in oil and gas and rich in structural style. Based on the structural characteristics of seismic data and the theory and method of structural geology, the structural characteristics and fault characteristics of Shahejie formation and Dongying formation in Jinzhuan Oilfield of Bohai Bay Basin have been carried out in this paper. Detailed study of tectonic evolution and microstructures. Through this study, the following results and understandings have been obtained. (1) in Paleogene, the area has experienced the tensional stress field and the torsional stress field, and the torsional stress field has derived the tensile stress field and the squeeze stress field which are perpendicular to each other in both directions. Therefore, rich structural patterns have been developed in this area under the action of complex stress field. It is considered that the Erjiegou fault was formed under the action of tensile stress field in the early stage of Sha 3, the Jiazhansi fault was formed when the stress field was weak in the late stage of the third stage and the first stage of the sand, and the extensional tectonics of the north west to the south east existed. In the period of strong stress field in Dongying period, the direction of the maximum principal stress is near east-west direction, and the maximum principal stress direction is near east-west direction, because of the S-N tensile stress field derived from the right-torsional stress field and the east-west compressive stress field, it is a strike-slip structure, and the maximum principal stress direction is near east-west direction, which is manifested by the north-east right-lateral strike-slip. The tectonic deformation characteristics of east-west compression and north-south extension are accompanied by the development of longitudinally bent folds; At the same time, as the boundary of the structural zone, the second boundary fault changes the direction of the local stress field. (2) structural evolution features play an important role in controlling the development of source rock, reservoir, caprock, migration, accumulation and preservation of oil and gas. The strong activity of the main faults in this area controls the formation of the gold belt, in which the middle part of the third part is lacustrine sedimentary with pure and thick mudstone, which is the main hydrocarbon source rock in this area. In the late stage of Sha 3, due to the change of tectonic movement, the whole uplift, the erosion of the second member of the sand, the parallel unconformity contact with the overlying strata, and the improvement of the physical properties of the reservoir near the contact surface. The first stage of Sha is a stable period with slow subsidence of strata. Fan delta sedimentary system is widely developed in this area, which is the main reservoir in this area. Dongying period is a strong strike-slip period and a large amount of hydrocarbon expulsion period. The fault reactivity developed in the third stage of Sha 3 became the channel of vertical migration of oil and gas due to the communication of source rocks. The newly generated fault is a channel for the secondary migration of oil and gas from the reservoir of Sha 1 member to the reservoir of Dongying formation. The vertical bend fold produces relative height difference, which provides the power for the lateral migration of oil and gas. At the end of Dongying period, the structure of this area is fixed, the fault is stopped, and the migration channel of oil and gas is changed into the condition of blocking the accumulation of oil and gas. The complex fault system and stratigraphic fold make the structural traps such as anticline traps and fault traps well developed, which provides a place for oil and gas accumulation.
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