[Abstract]:In the western part of China, especially in the deep valley area of Tibet, the development of debris flow is high frequency, the human engineering activities or engineering construction activities are mostly in the rare middle and high altitude areas, and because of the complex terrain and texture conditions in Tibet area, It is easy to induce rainstorm and ice melt debris flow, which often have a great influence on engineering arrangement and transportation. With the continuous advancement of water conservancy, hydropower, traffic and other projects in Tibet by the state, the constraints of debris flow on the project are becoming more and more prominent, so it is very important to study the characteristics of debris flow in Tibet and its impact on the project. Through the research of this subject, it will play a very important role in the construction of the west in the future. In ancient times, the Street need Hydropower Project area is located in the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River in Sangri County, Tibet Autonomous region. This area belongs to the plateau temperate zone, cold temperate climate, poor vegetation conditions, strong physical weathering, and easy accumulation of loose solids. The topography of debris flow is superior, and the engineering area belongs to the typical rainfall-flood debris flow in Tibet, which is very representative in topography, geomorphology, meteorological and hydrological conditions and so on. This paper describes the basic and dynamic characteristics of 17 debris flow gullies in the Dagu river section, including material source characteristics, channel characteristics, accumulation characteristics, burst frequency characteristics, severity, velocity and flow rate, etc. The debris flow in the Dagu reach is characterized by a large amount of materials, a smaller catchment area, a larger longitudinal ratio drop and a lack of fine particles. On this basis, according to the characteristics of debris flow in the Dagu reach, three physical simulation tests are designed, namely, underwater siltation test, river blockage test and impact force test of debris flow. The overall content of the test is to analyze the main factors that affect the test, to measure the impact of these factors on the characteristics of debris flow by changing the size of these factors. Finally, the conclusion of the test is analyzed and summarized to establish a mathematical model, and it is suggested that it can be applied to the Dagu. The mathematical model of debris flow plays an important role in the evaluation and prevention of debris flow. Combined with field investigation and laboratory test, the influence of debris flow blockage, underwater siltation and impact force on the engineering area is proposed. Based on the analysis of the nature, scale and engineering impact of each ditch in the Dagu reach, combined with the location of the concrete dam site, the measures for controlling the impact force of Jiuawangou in the street hydropower project are finally determined. In the great ancient hydropower project, silting and impingement measures were carried out on the ridges and furrows of the road.
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