[Abstract]:The Bajiazi polymetallic deposit in Huludao, Liaoning Province is located in the north of the North China platform, the north-eastern end of the Yanliao subsidence zone, the northern margin of the Shanhaitai arches, and is located in the southwestern part of the Wuzhishan-Hongluoshan magmatic rock belt. The strata in this area are more fully exposed, mainly in the Mesoproterozoic, and partly in the upper Proterozoic, Lower Proterozoic and Mesozoic, in which the Gaozhuang formation is widely distributed in the area and is the main ore-bearing layer. Structural development in the area, especially fault structure, is the main ore-bearing structure in the mining area. The volcanic and magmatic activities in this area are strong and the ore-forming geological conditions are superior. The level of research and cognition of polymetallic deposits in this area can directly affect the discovery and reserves of polymetallic deposits in this area. In order to increase the reserves of existing mineral types and prospecting in the periphery of the mining area, The Bajiazi polymetallic deposit needs to be studied in order to meet the needs of industrial production. In this paper, the geological conditions, geological characteristics and ore-controlling factors of the deposit are studied comprehensively, according to the type of deposit in the region, mineralized elements, mineral composition, chemical composition, and so on. Based on the spatial variation of ore structure and element assemblage, the ore-forming characteristics of polymetallic deposits are summarized, and the sulfur elements in typical ores in the ore deposits are analyzed. The isotopic characteristics of lead elements and hydrogen and oxygen elements and the geochemical characteristics of major metal sulphides are used to determine the genesis of magmatic hydrothermal deposits, and the ore prospecting guidance is based on the ore accumulation model and the theory of magmatic hydrothermal metallogenic series. In order to enlarge the prospecting prospect of the mining area, the resource reserves of the existing ore types are increased and the ore prospecting types are increased. Based on the summary and study of the geological characteristics of the ore area and the analysis and determination of the genesis of the deposit, it is concluded that the Bajiazi molybdenum lead zinc (silver) polymetallic deposit in western Liaoning is a magmatic hydrothermal polymetallic deposit. It has the characteristics of typical magmatic hydrothermal element zonation and ore zonation. The theory of magmatic hydrothermal metallogenic series in Bajiazi mining area, western Liaoning province is perfected.
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