[Abstract]:Anomaly recognition of groundwater chemical components is an important basis for constructing hydrochemical background value and quantifying the influence degree of human activities. The main component anomaly recognition method based on 5 kinds of hydrochemical diagrams has achieved good results, but the method considers too many types of hydrochemical diagrams and the calculation is complicated. In order to simplify the hydrochemical mapping method, taking Liujiang basin as an example, this paper attempts to use Durov diagram instead of 5 hydrochemical maps to identify the main components of groundwater. For this reason, the elimination effects of 7 kinds of anomaly recognition methods combined with hydrochemical diagram and mathematical statistics are compared and analyzed, and the reliability of the method is tested. The results show that the combination of mathematical statistics method and hydrochemical map method can achieve better recognition results than using the two methods alone. Among them, the 3 蟽 criterion, 5 kinds of water chemistry map method and 3 蟽 criterion Durov diagram method have the best effect on the anomaly recognition of the main components of groundwater. It is proved that the Durov diagram can effectively replace the five hydrochemical maps for the anomaly recognition of the main components of groundwater, which not only preserves the scientific nature of the hydrochemical recognition anomaly, but also greatly simplifies the process of anomaly recognition and calculation.
【作者单位】: 中国地质大学(北京)水资源与环境学院水资源与环境工程北京市重点实验室;
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