发布时间:2019-04-27 12:40
【摘要】:为了研究地震烈度与峰值加速度(PGA)、峰值速度(PGV)之间的定量关系,收集了中国28次地震、美国52次地震、伊朗9次地震、墨西哥8次地震中的强震动台站记录及其对应的震后调查烈度资料,采用箱线图检验基础数据中的离群值,通过层次分析法设置权重的加权最小二乘法回归得到Ⅴ≤I≤Ⅸ烈度区内,烈度与PGA、PGV的定量关系分别为:I=3.73log PGA-1.23;I=3.61log PGV+2.72。从Ⅴ度至Ⅸ度,其烈度与PGA的关系是烈度表中各值的1.5倍至1.1倍左右;与PGV的关系是烈度表中各值的1.3倍至1.1倍左右。本文统计的烈度与PGA、PGV之间的转换关系可供我国地震灾害评估以及抗震设计等参考。
[Abstract]:In order to study the quantitative relationship between seismic intensity and peak acceleration (PGA), peak velocity (PGV), 28 earthquakes in China, 52 earthquakes in the United States and 9 earthquakes in Iran were collected. Strong seismic stations recorded in eight earthquakes in Mexico and their corresponding post-earthquake investigation intensity data, using box charts to test outliers in the basic data. Through the weighted least square regression of the weight set by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the quantitative relationship between the intensity and PGA,PGV is obtained in the intensity region of V 鈮,
[Abstract]:In order to study the quantitative relationship between seismic intensity and peak acceleration (PGA), peak velocity (PGV), 28 earthquakes in China, 52 earthquakes in the United States and 9 earthquakes in Iran were collected. Strong seismic stations recorded in eight earthquakes in Mexico and their corresponding post-earthquake investigation intensity data, using box charts to test outliers in the basic data. Through the weighted least square regression of the weight set by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the quantitative relationship between the intensity and PGA,PGV is obtained in the intensity region of V 鈮,