[Abstract]:Three Lower Cambrian strata profiles in the upper Yangtze area were selected to test the organic carbon content and main and trace elements in the rock samples, combined with the previous research results. The variation characteristics of biological primary productivity and redox conditions in different sedimentary stages of early Cambrian and their effects on the enrichment of organic matter were analyzed. The results showed that in the first and second stage, the shallow shelf was dominated by anoxic ironized seawater, which had high primary productivity, while the deep water shelf was in anoxic vulcanization environment and the biological primary productivity was low. The slope-basin area is anoxic ironized environment and the rising ocean current brings a lot of nutrients, and the biological primary productivity is the highest. In the third stage, the shelf area communicates well with the open sea, so it is difficult to preserve the organic matter effectively for the oxidation environment. Slope-basin area evolved into oxidation-oxygen-poor environment, because the primary productivity is still very high, a large number of organic matter is rapidly accumulated and buried before oxidative decomposition to form effective source rocks. Generally speaking, the organic shale in the shelf area is mainly controlled by the redox conditions of seawater, and the organic matter is easier to be preserved in the reduction environment. The content of organic matter in organic shale in slope-basin area is mainly controlled by biological primary productivity and sedimentary environment. Under the same sedimentary conditions, the abundance of organic matter is higher than that in shelf area. Lower Cambrian organic shale is a favorable strata for shale gas exploration and development, and the content of organic matter can affect the gas content in shale. Therefore, the developed shelf and slope-basin shale are the strata of shale gas exploration and development.
【作者单位】: 中国地质大学(北京)能源学院;页岩油气富集机理与有效开发国家重点实验室;中国石化页岩油气重点实验室;中国石化石油勘探开发研究院;
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