吉兰泰盆地MIS 3阶段沉积环境及生态环境研究
[Abstract]:There are a large number of lakes in the western part of China. These lakes, which are distributed in arid and semi-arid areas, can be sensitive to the rich climate and environmental information in the area, such as the change of dry and dry, and the ecological evolution of the river basin. Therefore, by studying the formation and geomorphological evidence such as the lake bank, the lake-area terrace and the high-order lake-phase sediment in different times, the lake wave history and the lake evolution process can be reconstructed, and the exact evidence is provided for the restoration and understanding of the regional paleo-environment. In recent years, the annual results of the OSL in part of the ancient lake in the western part of China appear to have negative characteristics of the high lake shore of the deep-sea oxygen isotope 3 (hereinafter referred to as" "Phase 3" or "MIS 3 period" "), which is based on the 14C dating in the region, The results of the survey in part of the ancient lake have also tried to strengthen the regional particularities of the three-stage climate in the western region. It can be seen whether the ancient lake has been developed in the three-stage period in the western region of China, and there is still a dispute in the academic circles. Previous studies have shown that at least one period before the current of 60-50 ka, there existed a "Glantey-Hetao"-old Great Lakes covering the whole of the Grangtai basin, the Hetao basin and the surrounding Ulana and the desert and the Kubuqi Desert. The discovery of the Great Lakes is of great significance to the deep understanding of the evolution of the Yellow River in the late Quaternary of the Hetao area, the regional climate characteristics, the Ulan Buh and the formation and evolution of the desert and the Kubuqi Desert. If the Great Lakes do exist, the area of the Gillertai area studied in this paper is in the lake basin of the west. Although the early 14C dating results support the development of the high lake shore in the MIS 3 stage of this area, and the highest lake shore line is formed earlier than 60,000 years ago, a series of lake shore lines with elevation elevation of 1060-1050 and 1044-1035m are formed in the period from 5 to 60,000 years from now to the Holocene. However, in the drilling of the Ulaanb and the desert located in the east coast of the current Glantey Salt Lake, there are no deposits in the MIS stage, and it is concluded that the area covered by the Ulaanb and the desert may be in a sandstorm environment during the period of MIS 3. It can be seen that the natural environment in the period of MIS 3 is still to be studied. Therefore, on the basis of the previous research, this paper re-excavated the cross-section of the lake shore (1050-1060m with the elevation of 1050-1060m) in the MIS 3 stage and the quartz-OSL's in the west bank of the Gillantai Salt Lake, and drilled the 81-m-deep core in the secondary uplift area at the edge of the Gillantai basin. Based on the drilling formation sequence and the OSL dating of the secondary raised area of the MIS, an attempt was made to reveal the existence of the accumulated water environment in the MIS 3 period in the Grangtai basin, and through the analysis of the spore-pollen records, the ecological environment of the Jilin-Lantai basin in the 3-time period of the MIS was discussed. The following preliminary recognition is made in this paper: (1) The Gillantai basin should be in the deep lake environment before the 76 ka, but it is more likely that there is a large "Glantey-Hetao" of the lake in the area of the Jilantai basin and the Hetao basin before the 90ka. in that period from 76 to 52 ka, the lake water in the Gillantai basin is lower, and the edge of the basin is sand-laden; the shallow lake environment in the Gillantai basin may last from 52 ka to 39 ka this year, with the lake water rising, But the increase of the surface of the lake is the result of the rapid uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the result of the adjustment from the south to the north of the center of the Grangtai lake basin. The Gillantai basin is still in the lake state for the period from 39 to 13 ka, and the lake water again spread to the secondary raised area of the lake at about 23 ka. But at this time, the lake water is mainly confined to the interior of the Gillantai basin, and the high lake shore is at about 1060-1050m and is constantly fluctuating, while the secondary uplift area of the basin is likely to be the lakeside environment of the exposed water surface, and the large area of the current Ulaanbu and the desert is a sand and sand environment; and in the period of 13 to 8 ka, The Yellow River is injected from the southeast of Ulaan and the desert to form a large area of ancient Tu-Sze. (2) The sedimentary sequence of the section of the ancient river channel of Helan Mountain in this paper and the results of the measurement of the OSL show that a large-scale surface runoff has occurred at the western foot of the Helan Mountain, and a large amount of water source is provided for the Gillantai basin, and the surface runoff of a large number of precipitation causes at the western foot of the Helan Mountain is visible at this time. There is also an important contribution to the rise of the lake in the basin. (3) The results of the pollen and pollen analysis in the drilling formation at the stage of MIS 3 and in the secondary uplift area of the reservoir show that the sporo-pollen in this area is dominant in the family, the genus Artemisia, the Gramineae, the Typha, and the Cyperaceae, and the group of them is mainly the Cycophytes, taking into account that the transmission distance of these sporopollen is short, Therefore, it is considered that this sporo-pollen assemblages may imply that the secondary uplift of MIS 3 is in the state of the coexistence of the lake and the desert steppe, and the surrounding mountains may be developed with the spruce forest and the pine forest, while the stratigraphic sequence and the sporo-pollen analysis results of the 1060m lake line in the Gillantai basin show that, At this time, the largest potential of the section is the development of shallow lake in the basin, and the surrounding of the basin is dominated by the desert environment, and the development of the vegetation may be poor.
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